New York Jets @ San Diego Chargers

I got this in a email last year:

The unstoppable force(Greene) vs. The Immoveable object(Sanders)

What would happen?

A. There would be a massive explosion, knocking the earth off it's orbital path, sending it hurling into space. Effectively ending mankind. Let's hope this never occurs.

B. No matter what happens, Sanders would miss the next 3 weeks due to injury.

C. A blinding flash of light with a huge boom. Everybody averts their eyes, afraid to look. They turn back, and the only evidence that either player ever walked the earth is the pair of mouthpieces, laying on the turf.

D. The senseless waste of pitting these two mighty forces of nature against each other, like matter vs. anti-matter, will be a tragedy, not only for the teams involved, but for our planet. All nations must band together, to ensure that such a conflagration never takes place.
I got this in a email last year:

The unstoppable force(Greene) vs. The Immoveable object(Sanders)

What would happen?

A. There would be a massive explosion, knocking the earth off it's orbital path, sending it hurling into space. Effectively ending mankind. Let's hope this never occurs.

B. No matter what happens, Sanders would miss the next 3 weeks due to injury.

C. A blinding flash of light with a huge boom. Everybody averts their eyes, afraid to look. They turn back, and the only evidence that either player ever walked the earth is the pair of mouthpieces, laying on the turf.

D. The senseless waste of pitting these two mighty forces of nature against each other, like matter vs. anti-matter, will be a tragedy, not only for the teams involved, but for our planet. All nations must band together, to ensure that such a conflagration never takes place.

Kinda makes me glad Bob's not playing next week!

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