New Starting Five


Well-Known Member
PG - Cartwright
Wing - Hubbard
Wing - Gatens**
PF - Basabe
C - Brommer - I still think we get somebody that is going to come in and fill this spot

Key Bench Players
Marble - 20 minutes
White - 20 minutes
McCabe - 10 minutes
Archie 9 minutes - would drop to 0 if a big is signed.

That would be a 9 man rotation and plenty of depth. I think we will see May in the lineup but nothing more than spot duty.

We are still lacking a true big.

**I could see Gatens get pushed to the point of losing minutes to White / Marble / McCabe if Fran wanted to go more athletic and bigger. This would depend on Hubbards ability to score.
I don't see us signing a big that's going take the starting center spot this year. Brommer is what we got, and that's not likely to change before 2012.
Brommer will NOT play close to starter minutes. The front line will be mostly some combination of Mel, Hubbard, McCabe, & White, with back up from the two bigs and Marble and May. Fran will go with an outscore the other team scheme.
I tend to agree with this opinion.

Cartwright, Gatens, Hubbard, Basabe, and Brommer.

To me, May might be the one that loses the most in playing time. I look for him to be a defensive specialist and Oglesby a shooting specialist.
White, McCabe, Marble appear to offer the most versatility off the bench from a size and backup PG perspective.

With Hubbard committed and Fran's comments of 2 recruits, I feel a big is more of a need. I am hopeful that our chance with Gibson is good. I really feel he may have the ability to provide more impact than Olesani next year.

Any other feelings on starting lineup next year, rotation, and whether last recruit is a PG or Big?
I would be suprised if Hubbard starts over Marble.

Surprise like this:

Or this:

If nothing else, we will have quality players coming off the bench who should be able to contribute significantly. We will need May for defense, hopefully he will overcome his offensive problems. There is nothing like Eric flying in for a slam ala Sir Jamalot.

PG - Cartwright
Wing - Hubbard
Wing - Gatens**
PF - Basabe
C - Brommer

This could be the starting lineup at the beginning of the season. Hubbard has two years of experience which should help a lot. He and Devyn might get the same amount of playing time as the season goes on. At least we have a lot of pieces to fit together, much more versatility next year. Plus One coming.
I disagree with people thinking BromArch will play 40 minutes. I don't think Fran thinks like that, and is more interested in athletes than size with his system. I think Hubbard/May will be just as strong rebounding than Brom/Arch anyways.

I see this lineup with minutes for next year

Cartwright (30)
Hubbard (25)
Gatens (30)
May (20)
Basabe (30)

Marble (20)
McCabe (15)
Brommer (15)
White (10)
Josh O (5)
Surprise like this:

I guess I'm just high on Marble's potential. I think he will continue to get better with his length and offensive skill set.


With that being said, if Hubbard starts he would have earned his spot and our talent is improving so I'll be happy suprised!
I disagree with people thinking BromArch will play 40 minutes. I don't think Fran thinks like that, and is more interested in athletes than size with his system. I think Hubbard/May will be just as strong rebounding than Brom/Arch anyways.

I see this lineup with minutes for next year

Cartwright (30)
Hubbard (25)
Gatens (30)
May (20)
Basabe (30)

Marble (20)
McCabe (15)
Brommer (15)
White (10)
Josh O (5)

I'd be extremely surprised if May starts regularly again for the rest of his career. I hope he stays, he can play an important role, but he already got beaten out of a starting spot by a FR and they just added a player better than that FR.
lmao at anyone who thinks that Fran would bring in a guy with 2 years of eligibility if he didnt think he would start right away. Otherwise what's the point? Marble has 3 years left.

He can still contribute even if he doesn't start this year. He can start the following year after Gatens has graduated.
Coach said that Iowa was limited in running his style of play this past year. He wanted to find a big man that can shoot from outside and he got that in White. He wanted to be more up tempo as well. Hubbard plus Oglesby will provide more bodies for that style of play. Maybe a point guard is still out there.
May will be able to contribute a ton off of the bench. Not only defense, I'm hoping that with added depth next year he can be a lot more effective in a faster offense. Hopefully he has been working on dribbling and shooting this offseason...that would help.
The fact that Fran can mix and match multiple starting lineups is a victory by itself after the last era (sad but true). I also think people are discounting May too fast.

I really think May plays as much or more than Brommer this year.
May will be able to contribute a ton off of the bench. Not only defense, I'm hoping that with added depth next year he can be a lot more effective in a faster offense. Hopefully he has been working on dribbling and shooting this offseason...that would help.

There is nothing wrong with May's shooting, he just has the ball handling skills of a toddler.

May could be a key piece if he learns that dribbling is important and does all he can do to make his dribbling skills better.
Does May go back to guarding the other teams 4 at times? I think he's capable. He has lots of potential if he could improve his ball handling. Still the best athlete on the team by far.

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