new recruit?


So what's the latest on the super recruit that Fran supposedly has up his sleeve. It seems as if I remember one of you posters trying to entice me with this information a few days ago.Thanks for any new reports that you may have.
I heard we might be done

If this is true, it will be a big red flag for me. He showed up at Siena and pulled Kenny Hasbrouk out of his hat. If he can't do the same thing at Iowa and goes into next season with only Cully at PG, it might show that his Midwest connections have dried up and he can't get his East Coast kids to come to the Midwest.

It would also break his streak of Freshmen of the year.
If this is true, it will be a big red flag for me. He showed up at Siena and pulled Kenny Hasbrouk out of his hat. If he can't do the same thing at Iowa and goes into next season with only Cully at PG, it might show that his Midwest connections have dried up and he can't get his East Coast kids to come to the Midwest.

It would also break his streak of Freshmen of the year.

I think that's an overreaction. I think he'll end up bringing someone in but if he doesn't use it it could very well mean that he knows we look limited for scholarships next year and would rather save it.
I think that's an overreaction. I think he'll end up bringing someone in but if he doesn't use it it could very well mean that he knows we look limited for scholarships next year and would rather save it.

An over reaction or looking for a reaction...either way he is showing his colors...
Not exactly sure what color those would be. I have seen two straight coches come in here and have difficulty recruiting. If there is one question about FM it involves the fact that he hasn't recruited the Midwest in years.

While everyone has hopes for the future, we have had hopes after the last to hires. The difference will have to be recruiting. And it will have to happen over this summer for this year or next. This fan base will need a lot more than marketing plans to get energized.
Actually overall, Alford didn't do terrible recruiting. He brought in some thugs but he did get talent here. And its one scholarship left with 70 percent of the recruiting time spent. I'm sure he will bring someone. He is more of a proven recruiter than our last two coaches so I'll give him the benefit of the doubt.
Yeah, he's got to hire his coaches before he gets recruits. By NOW, I mean a player for this upcoming year. We all hammered Lick for going into a season with only really one freshman PG and a converted shoot first 2 guard. It would look bad if FM went into to his first season in the same situation, with the caveat of his one PG being a soph instead of a frosh. Now, I think the fan base would excuse that situation if FM signed a really strong PG in November.

I am surprised that people think this is so controversial. Seems pretty elementary to me. Also, someone commented about giving FM the benefit of the doubt. Well that benefit goes away with evidence. If he isn't able to come in and make a recruiting splash in his first year, that would be evidence. If he did make a splash, that would be evidence.

I am not saying it is a bad hire. In fact, I have been high on him for the way Siena has played in the tournament for the last three years. However, we all know the one concern is the fact that he has not recruited the Midwest for ten years. We are also not sure if he can get the East Coast kids to come out West. That is where he will experience success or failure. So, if he starts off slower than he did at Siena, it will be a cause for concern. Can you really argue against that point?
It'd be awfully tough to find a good kid for next year at this stage of the that would take another scholarship away from his class for next year. The suggestion that we go out and get a pg right now is saying that you'd rather appease fans in the short term by making a move that would be detrimental to our future and might get us a couple of extra wins in a season that will doubtfully lead to a postseason appearance.

I would rather see him bank the scholarship and use it to go out and compete for a kid who he really wants.

All that being said...I've seen posts about Tucker being brought back...I say we screw that and go after Pierre Pierce...doesn't he still have eligibility? The Illinois Correctional League has to be considered amatuer.
Fran has made it clear he is using this scholly freed up by Tuckers departure and I support that decision 100%. Iowa needs to do everything possible to win NOW! It will impact recruiting for the big 2012 class of 5 guys. That class signs in 18 months...time's year will be the only bb season that crucial class will have to judge Fran's impact at Iowa before they sign in Nov,2011. If it was not so obvious that Iowa has a big hole in the guard rotation,maybe you bank it, but gambling on our only true guards health all of next season when he already has a broken bone in his back would be insane. Lose Cully, and Frans first season could be unmitigated disaster and really damage any chances of a turnaround under Fran.

There are good juco pgs out there...go get one.
It'd be awfully tough to find a good kid for next year at this stage of the that would take another scholarship away from his class for next year. The suggestion that we go out and get a pg right now is saying that you'd rather appease fans in the short term by making a move that would be detrimental to our future and might get us a couple of extra wins in a season that will doubtfully lead to a postseason

Google the name Kenny Hasbrouck. If he can do it at Siena, he should be able to do it at Iowa.
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Sounds like a 6'7'' 3 star power forward who is committed to Siena is considering following Fran to Iowa...Mel Besabe?

He told a NE bb blog that he was considering coming to Iowa or sticking with Siena. According to Siena fans he is considered one of maybe the best 2-3 recruits ever at Sienna. He might possibly have an out in his LOI if Fran moves to a new job.

Is described as a strong and athletic player. Supposedly was offered by Seton Hall and St Johns,and has other high majors interested.
Could be attractive for Iowa if a forward like Brommer were to decide to move on...adding two quick athletes could have an instant positive impact next year.
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Not exactly sure what color those would be. I have seen two straight coches come in here and have difficulty recruiting. If there is one question about FM it involves the fact that he hasn't recruited the Midwest in years.

While everyone has hopes for the future, we have had hopes after the last to hires. The difference will have to be recruiting. And it will have to happen over this summer for this year or next. This fan base will need a lot more than marketing plans to get energized.

Actually, going off of people's attitudes on here, you're the one who needs more to be excited. The rest of us seem to be pretty excited already.

If he doesn't bring in some super-recruit this year, then so what? A lot of coaches don't bring their recruits with them, especially when they leave under good circumstances. Coach didn't have any reason to want to stick it to Sienna, unlike Alford when he left. Plenty of coaches ask their recruits to stick with their commitments to the original school.

I personally think Coach can do plenty this year with the guys that are already there. If he can bring in a Kaylon Williams, or a JUCO PG like that, then I'd feel pretty good for this season.
I am in the camp that you never bank the scholarship. Van Coleman said that he expects White Magic to have between 3 and 5 ships for this year and next. There are only two currently open. I also hope that 1 to 3 players decide to leave in the next year. If you are being a realist, there are 1-3 kids that won't play much in the next two years.

My preferred situation would be for Iowa to take the best juco guard and also the Siena power forward commit that may want to come along with our staff.

I would be ok with Brommer, Archie, or Cougill leaving this year. I don't think we need to worry about kids leaving--you just don't want one of your top 7 or 8 going.
I am in the camp that you never bank the scholarship. Van Coleman said that he expects White Magic to have between 3 and 5 ships for this year and next. There are only two currently open. I also hope that 1 to 3 players decide to leave in the next year. If you are being a realist, there are 1-3 kids that won't play much in the next two years.

My preferred situation would be for Iowa to take the best juco guard and also the Siena power forward commit that may want to come along with our staff.

I would be ok with Brommer, Archie, or Cougill leaving this year. I don't think we need to worry about kids leaving--you just don't want one of your top 7 or 8 going.

I believe you, but just curious, when did Van say this? Do you have a link? I would like to read the article if there is one.

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