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Hey Guys, My name is Jim and I wrote the MSU article linked above. I noticed the traffic spike so I thought I'd pop by and introduce myself. It's worth noting from the MSU side that Jackson has said he is taking an official to Iowa this weekend while Johnson still hasn't 100 percent committed to visit MSU although it seems likely. I do find it unlikely Johnson skips the MSU OV at this point, but if this weekend Johnson stays home while Jackson goes to Iowa. Iowa COULD end up with one or both DT's(not sure on whether you guys have space for 2 DTs). Long shot I think that Iowa lands both, but that would be a worst-case scenario. Anyway, MSU/Iowa is becoming one of my favorite football games each year. A red letter game for MSU certainly.
Nice article, but I just want to let you know why this Iowa fan dislikes Mark Dantonio.....not MSU per say.You say: Also, Iowa fans hate MSU football. They hated us before we beat them at Iowa in 2011 despite Ferentz's 3-1 record against them at the time, they hated us for stealing David Barrent even though they stole Cedric Everson from us on Signing Day, they hated us having Keshawn Martin pass on them down three scores at home even though Marvin McNutt did the same thing to us last year.So if they're going to hate us let's have it be because we flat out stole one of their commitments, eh?What I don't like about Dantonio, is he just seems dirty. Letting kids play coming out of jail. Going nuts on the field (after the refs), on an obvious helmet to helmet hit in East Lansing... ALL WHILE an Iowa player is twitching on the ground obviously knocked out, surrounded by Iowa staff attending to him. Telling a kid last year (Cooper) that coaches at Iowa were going to be fired over Rhabo. There are several other things as well like getting all p!ssed off at a coaching clinic in Michigan. He just seems angry all the time, and he comes off as a d!ck....or at least to this Iowa fan he does. Like I said I have no problems with MSU is Dantionio that I have a problem with.
Nice article, but I just want to let you know why this Iowa fan dislikes Mark Dantonio.....not MSU per say.

You say: Also, Iowa fans hate MSU football. They hated us before we beat them at Iowa in 2011 despite Ferentz's 3-1 record against them at the time, they hated us for stealing David Barrent even though they stole Cedric Everson from us on Signing Day, they hated us having Keshawn Martin pass on them down three scores at home even though Marvin McNutt did the same thing to us last year.

So if they're going to hate us let's have it be because we flat out stole one of their commitments, eh?

What I don't like about Dantonio, is he just seems dirty. Letting kids play coming out of jail. Going nuts on the field (after the refs), on an obvious helmet to helmet hit in East Lansing... ALL WHILE an Iowa player is twitching on the ground obviously knocked out, surrounded by Iowa staff attending to him. Telling a kid last year (Cooper) that coaches at Iowa were going to be fired over Rhabo.

There are several other things as well like getting all p!ssed off at a coaching clinic in Michigan. He just seems angry all the time, and he comes off as a d!ck....or at least to this Iowa fan he does. Like I said I have no problems with MSU is Dantionio that I have a problem with.

Sour grapes.

They kicked our as* and have a better program right now.

Deal with it.
Nice article, but I just want to let you know why this Iowa fan dislikes Mark Dantonio.....not MSU per say.

You say: Also, Iowa fans hate MSU football. They hated us before we beat them at Iowa in 2011 despite Ferentz's 3-1 record against them at the time, they hated us for stealing David Barrent even though they stole Cedric Everson from us on Signing Day, they hated us having Keshawn Martin pass on them down three scores at home even though Marvin McNutt did the same thing to us last year.

So if they're going to hate us let's have it be because we flat out stole one of their commitments, eh?

What I don't like about Dantonio, is he just seems dirty. Letting kids play coming out of jail. Going nuts on the field (after the refs), on an obvious helmet to helmet hit in East Lansing... ALL WHILE an Iowa player is twitching on the ground obviously knocked out, surrounded by Iowa staff attending to him. Telling a kid last year (Cooper) that coaches at Iowa were going to be fired over Rhabo.

There are several other things as well like getting all p!ssed off at a coaching clinic in Michigan. He just seems angry all the time, and he comes off as a d!ck....or at least to this Iowa fan he does. Like I said I have no problems with MSU is Dantionio that I have a problem with.

I think Dantonio can be a jerk too, but he's our coach. FWIW, I came out less judgemental(I was still new to blogging, a current version of the same column would have more teeth) about whether or not he should have let Rucker play in 2010 and more on the side of it's difficult in College Football to have success and enjoy integrity.

He certainly can be rough around the edges but if you think back to the last two coaches MSU had John L Smith(who couldn't win) and Bobby Williams(who couldn't win and make MD's discipline problems seem like a joke), Dantonio is a step in the right direction to the goal of winning football games, which frankly is the goal of any college football coach.

I won't defend some of the questionable actions Dantonio's taken since coming to MSU. I didn't make them and I don't agree with some of them either. He's still our coach and I don't begrudge any other teams fans for disliking the guy.

Anyway, I've really enjoyed the MSU/Iowa games since the Dantonio/Ferentz mutual regime began. Thank you for making the clarification between MSU football and Dantonio, I thought I painted a bit broad with that brush but nobody's perfect.

BTW, I didn't know about the Cooper and Rhabdo thing, that explains some of the allegations of MD's Dirty Recruiting I read about a while back.
Sour grapes.

They kicked our as* and have a better program right now.

Deal with it.

No sour grapes at all....There are many coaches around this country that I don't like, how about you? I mean besides your hatred of KF, you got any other coaches you don't like?
I think Dantonio can be a jerk too, but he's our coach. FWIW, I came out less judgemental(I was still new to blogging, a current version of the same column would have more teeth) about whether or not he should have let Rucker play in 2010 and more on the side of it's difficult in College Football to have success and enjoy integrity.

He certainly can be rough around the edges but if you think back to the last two coaches MSU had John L Smith(who couldn't win) and Bobby Williams(who couldn't win and make MD's discipline problems seem like a joke), Dantonio is a step in the right direction to the goal of winning football games, which frankly is the goal of any college football coach.

I won't defend some of the questionable actions Dantonio's taken since coming to MSU. I didn't make them and I don't agree with some of them either. He's still our coach and I don't begrudge any other teams fans for disliking the guy.

Anyway, I've really enjoyed the MSU/Iowa games since the Dantonio/Ferentz mutual regime began. Thank you for making the clarification between MSU football and Dantonio, I thought I painted a bit broad with that brush but nobody's perfect.

BTW, I didn't know about the Cooper and Rhabdo thing, that explains some of the allegations of MD's Dirty Recruiting I read about a while back.

I, like you, would take a winner if I didn't like him, over a lovable loser for sure. Just his image around this conference isn't that high.....

I don't know if the negative recruiting with Cooper is true or not about the Rhabo, but I think that this might have come from Cooper himself saying that. Does anyone else remember how that info got out?
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Sparty: I appreciate your input. This is one thing I like about the B1G, the ability to have a thoughtful discussion with fans from other teams. Sometimes I think people forget how good we have it in this conference.
I don't know if the negative recruiting with Cooper is true or not about the Rhabo, but I think that this might have come from Cooper himself saying that. Does anyone else remember how that info got out?

Jon has said that on this board multiple times.
as for JJ, his aunt is pushing him to visit MSU, he will decide later this day after a MSU in home visit today if will go on a campus visit to MSU. if not for his aunt he wouldn't visit. this from a interview with JJ, and Jackson and Henry are not fall back plans as the staff is looking at 2 more as they lost 6 DL this year