Let's pick up where Burky left on in the first one ... the better team is winning, right now. Minny is inspired to control it's destiny in this month-long playoff. Hawks are lethargic and reverting to the same bad strategy that routinely loses them games.

Need to change things up on next series -- CJB's arm and legs, crossing routes, Weisman and get Wadley some touches.

Lol. You're joking, right? You really think they're gonna "change things up" next series?
I just spent 45 minutes on the phone with a church friend who is struggling. I turn the tv back on and I see another struggle and a new game thread. Whatever it looks like halftime is going to need some serious discussion going on.
I just spent 45 minutes on the phone with a church friend who is struggling. I turn the tv back on and I see another struggle and a new game thread. Whatever it looks like halftime is going to need some serious discussion going on.

It's probably a good time for more ISU posts.
hmm... Should I go with the colored lights or the white lights this year?
Lol. You're joking, right? You really think they're gonna "change things up" next series?

No, I'm not joking. They absolutely need to change things up (2 series ago). No, I don't think (and never thought) they are gonna. What they do usually has very little to do with what they should do.