New Message Board Features Thread


There are several new features with the new software. I don't know all of them and that is being generous. So let's post some of the new things you have noticed in this thread. Please stay on topic here.

Auto Save: I have noticed while typing a reply or a post that an 'Auto Save' notification shows up.
Calendar: It shows all birthdays and allows for the creation of events. I will be adding the Football and Basketball Schedule in there as well as radio shows, Hawkeye Huddles, etc.
Images: I believe you can now upload images from your desktop. Stick to the forum rules and also please make sure the images are no wider than 550 pixels. If they are too wide, they 'break' the coding of the page and things look bad.
Activity Stream: This shows who is making posts and where, plus other recent forum activities
Table: Looks like you can create tables within posts.
Mobile View: In the bottom left when you are viewing the site on a mobile device, you can click mobile view. There may be some tweaks we make to this, but I will leave it as is for now.
vBookie: I need to figure this out, but this will allow for some fun credits wagering contests, etc.
Media: That tab will allow me to pull in Iowa Hawkeye related videos from popular free video platforms like youtube, vimeo, etc and be a catalog of Hawkeye related video content all in one place. This is going to turn into a very cool resource. I will spend some time figuring it out today.
If we use mobile view and visit a content page does that help generate revenue?

Not this second, but this does have ability to insert mobile banners. It's no where near the help that actually viewing video ads or browsing via a computer does, but I also can't ignore a large segment of the user base and force them to adapt to what I want.
I tried the mobile view and it doesn't seem very easy to navigate around on. However the full site view does display well on my phone soooo.....

Testing an iPhone emoticon here:

Testing editing here: nope doesn't display.
Wait! It does work?? Does anybody see some lips?

Wonder why after I edit I can see them on my phone but before that I only see question marks.

Edit 2: nope. now they don't display.
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Certainly, improvement can be seen over what was available here last week. You were able to go in and review the film, and certainly see where to make the improvements. As posters, we will just keep working hard to learn the new system certainly, and we'll try to build on that as well. After all, that's just college football.
Certainly, improvement can be seen over what was available here last week. You were able to go in and review the film, and certainly see where to make the improvements. As posters, we will just keep working hard to learn the new system certainly, and we'll try to build on that as well. After all, that's just college football.

Well played, Ooey.:eek: