New Media might change things drastically for sports


Well-Known Member
I've talked about this several times on my Kaldenberg Consulting video blog -
Change has Already Happened

Ok go easy on me. I had just got back from a week of snow skiing when I made this video. It is now getting easier and easier for companies, actors, NFL Networks, Big 10 Networks, people, Jon Miller,,, Wine Library TV: Gary Vaynerchuk's daily wine video blog etc. to "OWN" their own content.

10-15 years ago, your source for Hawkeye Athletics news for most Iowans was the DSM Register, Cedar Rapids Gazette, or 1040 WHO Radio.

Not anymore, now probably the best source for Hawkeye Athletics is, best source for almost any college athletics can probably be found that teams most popular message board site.

Change has already happened. Super Bowl advertisers are dropping out, YouTube two months ago surpassed 2 Billion views per day, YouTube has "3 times the reach" of the top 3 major US Networks combined. Amazing YouTube Statistics - Episode 33

The Digital age is killing many areas of conglomerate media. Content no longer needs to disseminated through these mediums. People like Gary Vaynerchuck and Jon Miller are owning their own content, sharing stories, videos, news through mediums that they own.

It will be interesting to see how the Texas Network plays out. They are owning their own content because it is easier than ever today. If it works I could see a few other teams trying it.

In 10 years television will probably be mainly consumed via broadband. This is going to open up huge opportunities for the NFL, NBA, Big 10, or Texas if teams choose to get that granular. These massive cash cows may say screw you ESPN, ABC, NBC. We're not sharing anything with you because we can share it online via subscription.
I wonder does Chip Brown own his content? Maybe that is part of the reason behind mainstream media negative reaction to his scooping them.
A few things. One, new media is not very profitable. For instance, Youtube has been operating at a loss for quite a while now.

Two, many "new media" portals are owned and controlled by the conglomerate media, such as Youtube being owned by Google.