New Marriage/baby Hawkeye advice

Married 10 years. Wife's family are clones from by Ames. I converted the wife early...think before marriage. The in laws are some of the best people I know, and they watch our 3 year old on home games when we are in IC without complaint. That said, he had been coming home saying "go cyclones." Obviously this comes from her family trying to get cute. I never put my foot down, and the wife can do whatever she wants, but I told her to make that shit stop. So far so good. Either they got the message, or my doubling down on indoctrination efforts has paid off. You aren't crazy, and you should set the record strait. If I were you, I'd pile up all the Husker gear and ship it to the Lincoln, NE Salvation it.

Yeah, you doing the right thing......cut that stuff off immediately.
1) get some Hawk gear that you can put on him after she leaves the room.

2) take his diaper off when she puts him in the red. Then when he drops a deuce you can tell her/show her that must be what your son really thinks of the huskers (after changing & cleaning him of course)

3) of course if you're really serious about this then you have to go nuclear option and threaten to with hold sex until she agrees on black/gold only.

(Yes, I know you said you're married so that may be more of a firecracker than a nuke -- but at least she'll know you're serious)

The next guy to withhold sex as a way to penalize someone will be the FIRST guy to use withholding sex as a way to penalize someone. Therefore, this strategy isn't really a realistic option.
The next guy to withhold sex as a way to penalize someone will be the FIRST guy to use withholding sex as a way to penalize someone. Therefore, this strategy isn't really a realistic option.

Or he needs to see a doctor.
They are just clothes man. You have your entire life to teach him about the black and yellow. cool heads will prevail
They are just clothes man. You have your entire life to teach him about the black and yellow. cool heads will prevail

On the surface yes it is just clothes, and that fact isn't lost upon me. However, it is a lot deeper than that. It's the fact I have a son now and one of the things I've looked forward to about being a father is having a kid to share my love for the Hawks with. I realize that these clothes probably aren't going to change that. I guess it's just the point.

Am I overreacting to something stupid? Of course I am. I've admitted that to her. I know it's stupid, but goddamnit it's how I feel and it's important to me. Does it make me an asshole if I just simply wish she would respect that this is important to me? Just let me have this. Does that really make me a bad guy for asking for that?
You weren't really looking for advice from a bunch of ignorant, irrational twits on a message board were you? The 'crazies' on this site could find their arse with both hands, let alone help you with a relationship/parenting issue. Good grief.....My advice...Who gives a shit! Grow up and get a life Sparky...............
You weren't really looking for advice from a bunch of ignorant, irrational twits on a message board were you? The 'crazies' on this site could find their arse with both hands, let alone help you with a relationship/parenting issue. Good grief.....My advice...Who gives a shit! Grow up and get a life Sparky...............

You weren't really looking for advice from a bunch of ignorant, irrational twits on a message board were you? The 'crazies' on this site could find their arse with both hands, let alone help you with a relationship/parenting issue. Good grief.....My advice...Who gives a shit! Grow up and get a life Sparky...............

You weren't really looking for advice from a bunch of ignorant, irrational twits on a message board were you? The 'crazies' on this site could find their arse with both hands, let alone help you with a relationship/parenting issue. Good grief.....My advice...Who gives a shit! Grow up and get a life Sparky...............'re here, but someone more rational would surely understand the irony. Take up your own advice.

OP, squash it now, or have fun buying Husker gear for the grandkids in 30 years.
Okay so let me start out by warning you. This is a pretty stupid argument that my wife and I get into, but I need some advice from fellow Hawk fans. I need other people's perspective on my situation.

First, my wife and I have been married for about 2 years and we have a 10 month old son. My wife lived in Nebraska for about 10 years total for both college (Concordia) and her first few jobs out of college. She converted to a Nebraska fan while being there because all of her friends were Husker fans.

Now when we started dating and throughout our relationship it has been very clear to her that I am diehard Hawkeye fan. I watch and record every football and basketball game. I follow the Hawks religiously. To the point it probably isn't healthy, but it's my thing. Most guys out there know that once you become married and have kids you need a thing. You need hobbies to stay sane. The Hawks are my biggest hobby. Always have been. Because of that I've always dreamed of being able to share the Hawks with my son. I want us to have a common love for the Hawks. I want to take him to games and just share in that experience with him.

On the flip side, my wife could really give two shits about Nebraska. She watches maybe 2-3 Nebraska related events a year (if she's at a friends party or at the Iowa vs Nebraska game with me like she will be on Friday). She doesn't know any players names. She just doesn't really care. I honestly think she says she's a Husker fan just to get under my skin. Which is fine. I don't really care about that.

Now here's where I need advice. My wife keeps putting our son in Husker clothes and it's seriously making me upset. The realistic part of my brain is telling me it's crazy to get upset, but it really does bother me. It's like this is my thing. This is the one thing I want to share with our son. Why can't I just have this? I don't know if she's intentionally doing it just to piss me off or what. She thinks it's harmless and that I'm being ridiculous, but my fear is that if I don't make it clear now that he doesn't wear any other teams clothes other than the Hawks then they will continue to buy him Husker gear and she will continue to put it on him. Which down the road could end up influencing whom he cheers for. I feel like she should respect the fact that this is my thing. Now if she were a bigger Husker fan then I think she would have an argument and I would respect that, but she's not. She doesn't follow them at all.

Sorry for the long rant. Am I crazy or would this bother you guys too? Any advice? Do I just drop it or do I try and put my foot down? It seems very silly I know, but I don't know how to proceed.

You probably need to realize that, independent of all of this, your son could potentially grow up not liking sports, wanting to follow sports, or he just plain might end up liking another program or team, for whatever reason. You won't be able to control his mind.
Let the little guy where whatever mom wants. He's going to be growing up and watching sports with dad, which is where the passion/fire will come from. He'll learn when its cooking/cleaning related to go to mom, but when it's sports related father knows best. Let her dress him in as much red as possible and take as many pictures as you can... It makes custody and her insanity that much more obvious when you divorce her down the road, because Huskers and Hawkeyes weren't meant to be together forever.
You probably need to realize that, independent of all of this, your son could potentially grow up not liking sports, wanting to follow sports, or he just plain might end up liking another program or team, for whatever reason. You won't be able to control his mind.

As long as he's not a Husker fan I won't be too heartbroken!
Here's the deal...never...never...never say verbally (or through non verbals) that you totally enjoy is an open door...

How was it honey?...ok, pretty decent, not bad, worth doing-mostly, fun but could have been better, yada yada.'re here, but someone more rational would surely understand the irony. Take up your own advice.

OP, squash it now, or have fun buying Husker gear for the grandkids in 30 years.

cuihawk, only one response to icky. nothing more. he's not worth anything more than "learn the game" or "LTG".

I'm on a mission from God.
Some girl gave my wife a msu onesie for my son and it didn't make it inside the house.

My wife when she was pregnant said her parents might put him in Michigan stuff when they watch him. I told her that's fine I'll throw it away if I see it. So it's kinda dumb to buy it.