New Home Page & Content Platform

You’ll also notice a cleaner look and layout to the content pages. We’ve moved the resources to the forums and tried to include more white space and not fill every last pixel with ‘stuff’.

I'm sorry, but I respectfully disagree. There's crap everywhere on that page.
I'm sorry, but I respectfully disagree. There's crap everywhere on that page.

OK, we'll put you down in the doesn't like it file. I have it around here somewhere.

When compared with the home page we have had the last year that had scores of links on it and nearly every square inch full of something, it's a lot cleaner.
I see that the sections button is gone now, so trying to switch forums is going to be a royal pain in the hindquarters again. Any chance of something like that making a comeback?
I see that the sections button is gone now, so trying to switch forums is going to be a royal pain in the hindquarters again. Any chance of something like that making a comeback?

There is a hierarchy reason for this. But u can click on forums and see every forum for the time being
One thing I don't like is it seems like most of the homepage is links to get to other team's sites....but I guess you have joined an "alliance" for content distributing (or whatever XOfan is) so you're going to have that. other than that though, not too bad!

I think the upgrade is going to be very nice once we all learn to navigate the changes. Just a couple of thoughts.

1] Why the need to link to Hawkeyes Game Film's articles from three different locations on the home page? It makes it very busy and crowded.

2] The extra white space you mentioned comes at the expense of using smaller and lighter font in the body of the articles. I found it hard to read because of the size and the color of the font which seems more gray than black to me.

I think the upgrade is going to be very nice once we all learn to navigate the changes. Just a couple of thoughts.

1] Why the need to link to Hawkeyes Game Film's articles from three different locations on the home page? It makes it very busy and crowded.

2] The extra white space you mentioned comes at the expense of using smaller and lighter font in the body of the articles. I found it hard to read because of the size and the color of the font which seems more gray than black to me.

The top slider on the home page is the five most recent stories rotating...then the stories below that are all the stories we have written and can be accessed via multiple pages. I understand what you are saying. Will analyze that some more. The third place I suspect you are talking about are the modules on the right hand side that show recent content from other Big Ten sites. What I may be able to do is make another school's stories show up over there instead of the Iowa tab...the Iowa tab shows up first because that is the order its in. Probably not a bad idea to feature a different school's tab on landing different from the site you are on...will see if I can make that change. Thanks for the feedback. This is most useful, as opposed to general 'don't like it' or complaint posts.
How do I get rid of the Tweet/Like/Email floating thing when reading articles? It is blocking a good portion of the words on the left side of the page and since it "floats" I am unable to scroll past it.
How do I get rid of the Tweet/Like/Email floating thing when reading articles? It is blocking a good portion of the words on the left side of the page and since it "floats" I am unable to scroll past it.

Please take a screen shot of it blocking a good portion of the page and email it to me, because that is not supposed to block any of the textual content at all. How were you viewing the page when you saw that? Computer browser? I just viewed it on my iphone and that doesn't even show up in chrome. The only thing it covers up is the 'Legends' artwork on the left.

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