New Hawkeye Sport... Hockey?

I do hope this happens at some point. Video games and the Olympics have really turned me onto it in the past couple years, and now I can't get enough. I really want to see a Blackhawks game, preferably this spring.
I do hope this happens at some point. Video games and the Olympics have really turned me onto it in the past couple years, and now I can't get enough. I really want to see a Blackhawks game, preferably this spring.

whats the preferred video game now? I grew up on nhl 93 for the sega genesis
I do hope this happens at some point. Video games and the Olympics have really turned me onto it in the past couple years, and now I can't get enough. I really want to see a Blackhawks game, preferably this spring.
whats the preferred video game now? I grew up on nhl 93 for the sega genesis

EA's NHL games are fantastic. They've added a lot to the game the last few years to really give it an authentic feel. Things like board battles and broken sticks have really added a new dimension to the game. Plus you can play with national teams, Canadian junior league teams, and European pro clubs. It's a very in depth hockey experience.
I do hope this happens at some point. Video games and the Olympics have really turned me onto it in the past couple years, and now I can't get enough. I really want to see a Blackhawks game, preferably this spring.

I've been a Blackhawks fan since the Roenick and Chelios days. Then that crazy old man Bill Wirtz decided that to keep the Blackhawks off TV, supposedly to force them to come to games. Problem is, the old bastard was a tightwad and refused to spend any money on players, and the Hawks went into a death spiral. That's why nobody showed up. Thankfully, he finally keeled over and his son Rocky decided to actually rebuild the franchise back to it's former glory. He put them back on TV, and hired a great front office. Three years later, Lord Stanley's chalice comes back home to Chi-town!
whats the preferred video game now? I grew up on nhl 93 for the sega genesis

EA's NHL games are fantastic. They've added a lot to the game the last few years to really give it an authentic feel. Things like board battles and broken sticks have really added a new dimension to the game. Plus you can play with national teams, Canadian junior league teams, and European pro clubs. It's a very in depth hockey experience.

DBorwig FTW. I've been addicted to the NHL series for the past 3 years now. Very real feel to it, with the broken sticks/board battles/touch passing/etc. I used to be all about NCAA Football, but now I rarely play it. NHL is the only sports game from EA that I play with a lot of consistency anymore. I'll still play NCAA/Madden, but not anywhere near as often as I used to. Hockey is just way more fun on a console, IMO.

My only complaint is that the computer is too easy to beat after a while. I score 10 goals a game on All-Star with a semi-functional controller, and still win easily on Superstar (just not 10 gpg easily). And most of those goals come on the rush, with a simple centering pass at the last moment for an easy goal. The rest usually comes on a centering pass out of a set offense for a one-timer.

Not enough of my friends (see: almost none) play it, and I get frustrated online because of the lag. So I don't get much of a competitive fix on it at times
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I love watching live hockey but haven't seen a game in years. Used to go watch the Buccineers in Des Moines. That was always a good time and fairly cheap at that. I'd love to see the Hawks play.
whats the preferred video game now? I grew up on nhl 93 for the sega genesis
EA's NHL games are fantastic. They've added a lot to the game the last few years to really give it an authentic feel. Things like board battles and broken sticks have really added a new dimension to the game. Plus you can play with national teams, Canadian junior league teams, and European pro clubs. It's a very in depth hockey experience.
DBorwig FTW. I've been addicted to the NHL series for the past 3 years now. Very real feel to it, with the broken sticks/board battles/touch passing/etc. I used to be all about NCAA Football, but now I rarely play it. NHL is the only sports game from EA that I play with a lot of consistency anymore. I'll still play NCAA/Madden, but not anywhere near as often as I used to. Hockey is just way more fun on a console, IMO.My only complaint is that the computer is too easy to beat after a while. I score 10 goals a game on All-Star with a semi-functional controller, and still win easily on Superstar (just not 10 gpg easily). And most of those goals come on the rush, with a simple centering pass at the last moment for an easy goal. The rest usually comes on a centering pass out of a set offense for a one-timer.Not enough of my friends (see: almost none) play it, and I get frustrated online because of the lag. So I don't get much of a competitive fix on it at times

I agree. If you just play on the preset difficulty settings, it can get a bit out of hand when playing against the computer. However, if you go in and toy around with the individual difficulty settings for the AI and human players, you can actually make it quite challenging. Just turn down the shooting accuracy for the human player and ramp up the defensive aggressiveness and awarness and goalie play for the AI and that should make it a lot more challenging for you. At least it does for me, but I'm by no means a video game wizard. My arthritic thumbs see to that.
Well, I see that I'm not alone at least in hoping for this to somewhere down the line become reality. I'm a USHL follower myself, and Iowa could do very well with a hockey team IMO. Never been to Cedar Rapids for a game, but heard it's a good hockey environment. You guys point out most of the deficiencies needed to get it going, but I wouln't put it passed Barta to do some pretty good fundraising for such a project. I would say eventually, something like this would require an on campus ice arena. Where would it go? Not as familiar with Iowa campus as some of you guys are I'm sure.
I agree. If you just play on the preset difficulty settings, it can get a bit out of hand when playing against the computer. However, if you go in and toy around with the individual difficulty settings for the AI and human players, you can actually make it quite challenging. Just turn down the shooting accuracy for the human player and ramp up the defensive aggressiveness and awarness and goalie play for the AI and that should make it a lot more challenging for you. At least it does for me, but I'm by no means a video game wizard. My arthritic thumbs see to that.

Luckily for me, I have no arthritis lol. The couple of friends I have who do play, can't touch me. My roommate from sophomore year was really good, and we had a pretty intense rivalry. But that was when I was first getting into the game; I'm a way better player now, once I got past using the auto aim on my shots and could pick my spots well. Deadly from the blue line on the power play.
I love watching live hockey but haven't seen a game in years. Used to go watch the Buccineers in Des Moines. That was always a good time and fairly cheap at that. I'd love to see the Hawks play.

I frequently attend Waterloo Black Hawk games, and I have a blast. IMO, the only things that trump watching live hockey are live football, and any Hawkeye event live (watching the Hawks trumps everything, Lol!). The atmosphere inside Young Arena can get pretty intense, and with all those cowbells ringing it's downright deafening at times.
Well, I see that I'm not alone at least in hoping for this to somewhere down the line become reality. I'm a USHL follower myself, and Iowa could do very well with a hockey team IMO. Never been to Cedar Rapids for a game, but heard it's a good hockey environment. You guys point out most of the deficiencies needed to get it going, but I wouln't put it passed Barta to do some pretty good fundraising for such a project. I would say eventually, something like this would require an on campus ice arena. Where would it go? Not as familiar with Iowa campus as some of you guys are I'm sure.

I believe I heard that they are planning on moving the baseball field, possibly out by where soccer/field hockey is currently at. Not sure if I'm much of a fan of that idea, but if it happens, there would be space right across the street from Carver (which would be the ideal location if Carver couldn't be redone to house hockey).
I agree. If you just play on the preset difficulty settings, it can get a bit out of hand when playing against the computer. However, if you go in and toy around with the individual difficulty settings for the AI and human players, you can actually make it quite challenging. Just turn down the shooting accuracy for the human player and ramp up the defensive aggressiveness and awarness and goalie play for the AI and that should make it a lot more challenging for you. At least it does for me, but I'm by no means a video game wizard. My arthritic thumbs see to that.
Luckily for me, I have no arthritis lol. The couple of friends I have who do play, can't touch me. My roommate from sophomore year was really good, and we had a pretty intense rivalry. But that was when I was first getting into the game; I'm a way better player now, once I got past using the auto aim on my shots and could pick my spots well. Deadly from the blue line on the power play.

Yep, when I was able to quit using auto aim, that's when things got out of hand. It you could get an open shooting lane it was way too easy to go top shelf every time. I had to turn down my shot speed and accuracy, and ramp up the goalie reaction speed to not blow out teams by ten or more goals. I've not it tuned in now to where I get challenging games without overly frustrating myself either. It's fun to win and I still get ****** when I lose, but going 82-0 through a regular season is a bit unrealistic.
Yep, when I was able to quit using auto aim, that's when things got out of hand. It you could get an open shooting lane it was way too easy to go top shelf every time. I had to turn down my shot speed and accuracy, and ramp up the goalie reaction speed to not blow out teams by ten or more goals. I've not it tuned in now to where I get challenging games without overly frustrating myself either. It's fun to win and I still get ****** when I lose, but going 82-0 through a regular season is a bit unrealistic.

Agreed on all counts. The only thing that still stumps me on the preset difficulties is the 5-hole. I still haven't been able to hit that hole, and I don't consider my gaming experience complete until I do (yes, I know that sounds dirty lol).

Once in a while, though, I'll create a player and just make him ungodly good (always for the Blackhawks) and play a season just to see how far I can bend reality. I've been in that kind of mood for about a week or so now, and my starting right winger has 100 points (50 goals, 50 assists) for the 23-0 Hawks. And then Toews and Kaner have 81 and 65 points, both with 30+ goals already.

Not even close to realistic. Wish it was, though :D
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I really don't think it would happen but Iowa having a ice hockey team would be amazing.
Yep, when I was able to quit using auto aim, that's when things got out of hand. It you could get an open shooting lane it was way too easy to go top shelf every time. I had to turn down my shot speed and accuracy, and ramp up the goalie reaction speed to not blow out teams by ten or more goals. I've not it tuned in now to where I get challenging games without overly frustrating myself either. It's fun to win and I still get ****** when I lose, but going 82-0 through a regular season is a bit unrealistic.
Agreed on all counts. The only thing that still stumps me on the preset difficulties is the 5-hole. I still haven't been able to hit that hole, and I don't consider my gaming experience complete until I do (yes, I know that sounds dirty lol).

The only way I've beaten a goalie 5-hole has been on a lucky redirect, so don't feel bad.
The only way I've beaten a goalie 5-hole has been on a lucky redirect, so don't feel bad.

I've done that several times, but I don't count those lol. I don't think I'll ever do it in an actual game, but I try in shootout mode all the time.

FTR, shootout mode makes for a decent drinking game lol.
I would go that would be awesome...i like the riders but im not real attached to them so if iowa went big time I would def go
I live in MN and the Hawks hockey team plays up here at St Thomas in Feb. My two boys play hockey and I hope to take them.

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