'New' CyHawk will be scrapped

Let the old trophy go to the loser of this years ISU game. A losing trophy that gets proudly displayed in the losing teams trophy case. :D
Sometimes the simplest answer is the best one. ROTC from the two schools runs the game ball to the game site each year. Why not just present that "game ball" to the winner and have the winning Captains sign it.

On a side note, I did like that the SIDs (or whatever) tried to take some of the heat for Iowa Corn. BUT...it disturbs me that both schools SIGNED OFF on that trophy. You'd think someone would have had the balls to speak up early on.
The interim trophy should be a sledgehammer. The winning team gets to use it to smash the Precious Moments trophy.
Great decision! Now if we could just get someone to scrap the whole cyhawk game, I would be a happy camper! :)
I personally really like the idea of incorporating Kinnick and Trice, but one of the best ideas I thought was on here somewhere about the pitchfork from Grant Woods' American Gothic. It says everything Iowa Corn wanted to say about being from Iowa, plus is more of a "symbol" like someone else here earlier pointed out. It would be akin to Bunyan's Axe or all those other symbolic trophies in college football. I suppose there is some inherent danger in big uglies storming the field looking to wield a pitchfork, though. Is the axe sharpened??
How much money do you think Iowa Corn is gonna lose in all this? Or would it be the universities? I would imagine it's not that cheap to design and create that thing. Mainly if there was a special committee formed, taking up lots of man hours brainstorming and voting for different designs, including an artist to draw mock-ups.

If people want a symbol, instead of a trophy, how about making a life size version of that bushel of corn...........*crickets*..........no?
I think replacing this trophy is a good thing. Regardless of what the new trophy looks like, it immediately has an interesting history, which always makes the trophy better. Hopefully, Iowa beats the clowns in a manner like Hayden used to. Clown fans will hate the trophy and Iowa fans will love it. Jack Trice will get to spend great amounts of time in Iowa City.

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