New Bowl Game in Wrigley?

didn't NW try to play in Wrigley and they could only kick on one side of the field? Also, football games + baseball stadiums = bad idea
didn't NW try to play in Wrigley and they could only kick on one side of the field? Also, football games + baseball stadiums = bad idea

Yes, but you should have read the article. Through the renovations they can now move the wall back.
Ain't nobody wantin' to come play a bowl game in frigid temps when they can play in their own backyard all nice and warm.
I love the idea of a bowl game in Chicago. However, they need to do a good job with the field. As I recall, in the past, they have just put sod down over the entire baseball field and then ripped it up after the game. Hard to get a nice field when laying sod that late.
I love the idea of a bowl game in Chicago. However, they need to do a good job with the field. As I recall, in the past, they have just put sod down over the entire baseball field and then ripped it up after the game. Hard to get a nice field when laying sod that late.

What else can they do? They can't put down anything permanent.
Football game in baseball stadium, bad idea. Football game in older/smaller baseball stadium really bad idea. Bowl game in older/smaller baseball stadium in the cold... really really bad idea.
Which only addresses one of the drawbacks. Still lousy seating angles (and low capacity) and cold weather.

Well yeah, its basically Chicago's version of the Pinstripe Bowl which is played in Yankee Stadium. Wrigley Field used to be the home of the Bears.
Well yeah, its basically Chicago's version of the Pinstripe Bowl which is played in Yankee Stadium. Wrigley Field used to be the home of the Bears.

And the Bears have played indoors at the old Chicago Stadium!

Is there any actual news about a bowl game in Wrigley Field? I love the idea. There is so much to do in Chicago and the stadium is an easy train ride from downtown.
And the Bears have played indoors at the old Chicago Stadium!

Is there any actual news about a bowl game in Wrigley Field? I love the idea. There is so much to do in Chicago and the stadium is an easy train ride from downtown.

At this point it's just an idea that has been discussed, I haven't seen anything further reported on it.
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Have a Big 10 vs Pac 10 bowl game in Iowa to pay back all those California teams that get to play bowl games in their home state so often!
I think it's time we revisit this topic since Iowa is going to play in a baseball stadium in the cold for their bowl game. Judging by the fact that the fan base is basically boycotting it, I'd say it would be as good of an idea as a middle school drop out cooking meth.
I think it's time we revisit this topic since Iowa is going to play in a baseball stadium in the cold for their bowl game. Judging by the fact that the fan base is basically boycotting it, I'd say it would be as good of an idea as a middle school drop out cooking meth.

You might be right but I think you'd get more fans in Wrigley than in New York, at least teams from the Midwest. If the tickets were not outrageous I'd consider going to a bowl game in Wrigley, it's only a 5 hour drive for me. I think we could fill Wrigley with Hawk fans but, OTOH, you need a 2nd team and I doubt you'd see many BC fans showing up to a bowl game in Wrigley for all the same reasons we are not going to New York.