New 2-Deep Released, Ragaini Not Listed

This seems like a response driven by more posts than just this post, but IMO, the analysis is spot on. Being just an average offense would actually be a remarkable feat and I would take it. If the offense were just 100% average, middle of the pack, say putting up 21-24 points a game, winning time of possession and not turning the ball over, this team will win the West.

The defense is better than last year on paper. Its unlikely to replicate the turnover festival from last year, but the talent is as good or better and its certainly deeper than last year. Special teams look above average again.

A competent and efficient offense is all Iowa needs to win double digits again this year. We shall see.
Yup yup. If we put up 24 plus we are just tough to beat. Simple as that. But when we get stuck in the 14-17 -20 range it can turn into a crapshoot of a situation. I think TOP is a sneaky stat too. Last yr with all our 3 and outs I bet we were in the negative on that. If we are just burning clock getting a couple first downs and flipping field position that does us a whale of good compared to what we'd been doing last yr.
I've always had concern that they do handcuff their QB's to an extent while teaching them the system. Stanzi got a little wild and deviated a couple times early in his career which didn't sit well with Ferentz. I clearly remember coming down to the end of the first half, I believe Ferentz was doing his thang and calling a conservative game around the 50 yd line or even on the Iowa side. I think I remember Stanzi either audible out of a safe play or went to a different read or something and threw a TD or got a good gain downfield or something. I swear Stanzi got heat for not following the game plan. Anybody else remember this?

Stanzi just had it and played loose and was very successful. Yes, he threw some pick 6's, but he flushed the play and played on. He was terrific at playing thru mistakes as he didn't let it build up in him.

I think Iowa's QB's typically play scared or play to not make mistakes, which is not always good. They play tight.
I remember when Beathard was playing instead of Ruddock and made a play, then Ferentz yelled at him on the sideline. I think it was maybe late in the game and Ferentz didn't want to score.
The last 7 years (back through 2015), they have lost the following when scoring more than 24+ pts.

'18 PSU, 24 - 30
'18 Purdue, 36 - 38
'16 NW, 31 - 38

That spans 88 games (63 -25 record), and 25 total losses. The average points scored in the other 23 losses = 10.2 pts/game.

Remember 2014, the year of "failing to set the edge"? That was right after Morris/Kirksey/Hitchens graduated, and we had senior Quinton Alston, combined with sophomore Reggie Spearman and freshmen Bo Bowers and Josey Jewell playing LB. We also had a scrappy but undersized DE (Nate Meier) playing opposite of Drew Ott. That year we lost games by the following scores:

31 - 38 (Maryland)
34 - 37 (Nebraska)
28 - 45 (Tennessee)
Can we all just praise Nebraska for firing Pelini?
If our O line can gel (the line was dreadful last year), I think middle of the pack is not unreasonable. I may be generally more optimistic than you... and I'm not overly optimistic.

Well I certainly hope that happens.
There is certainly some petty bullshit on this board, and the season hasn't even started yet. Why not be optimistic?
It's Iowa football. Its much easier to expect nothing and be surprised than to expect greatness
I would expect that from you. You've been incredibly negative for years, but you're still here. Good on ya. That takes endurance.