Jon - Can you give us a forum that only allows Hawk fans to talk? I just really get freaking tired of Clone fans hijacking our threads. It really has me about ready to stop talking in the forums altogether.

I think there is a place to have this back and forth. Rivalry forums, etc. But I also think there should be an option whereby Hawk fans can just talk with fellow Hawk fans, or other B1G fans for that matter without having to worry about our annoying little brother.
Unless Jon appoints a few mods there is no way you could do this. How are you going to tell the Hawk fans from the ISU fans? I just think more moderation is needed to keep this place orderly, that's all.
This makes me embarassed to be a hawk fan. seriously? be a big boy and just use the ignore user feature. its just a message board. grow up.

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Many of the Clone posters on here are good posters. I think Jon needs to be a little quicker on the ban hammer for the d-bags, but he's just one man so I'll give him a break on that.

Also, I completely agree with mr lucky. Some of these so called fans say worse things about our own program than any ISU fan ever would.
Many of the Clone posters on here are good posters. I think Jon needs to be a little quicker on the ban hammer for the d-bags, but he's just one man so I'll give him a break on that.

Also, I completely agree with mr lucky. Some of these so called fans say worse things about our own program than any ISU fan ever would.

Whoa. We'll have to agree to disagree, Clark. I find 99.9% of them to be ultra-annoying trolls. I have six of them currently on ignore, down from a high of twelve during/after "Hate Week".
DoubleWide is barely tolerable. The rest of them are ignorant dooshbaggs.
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Many of the Clone posters on here are good posters. I think Jon needs to be a little quicker on the ban hammer for the d-bags, but he's just one man so I'll give him a break on that.

Also, I completely agree with mr lucky. Some of these so called fans say worse things about our own program than any ISU fan ever would.

This is the biggest thing. If your from an opposing team and want to have an intelligent conversation then so be it, nothing wrong with that. But there are a handful of posters on here from other teams that aren't here for intelligent conversation, instead they are here just to ruffle feathers and they get away with crap that would have had them banned after the second post at most other boards.
If he gets heavier on the ban hammer, it could result in people getting blocked for having different point of views BUT still being a hawk fan. Isn't CF really bad because everyone gets blocked or something? I don't go to that site but everyone on here says they got blocked almost immediately.
This is the biggest thing. If your from an opposing team and want to have an intelligent conversation then so be it, nothing wrong with that. But there are a handful of posters on here from other teams that aren't here for intelligent conversation, instead they are here just to ruffle feathers and they get away with crap that would have had them banned after the second post at most other boards.

I agree with this completely. CAAR is just being a whiner on this one though.......

Nobody in this thread even brought up ISU, just defending the "OU's cakewalk schedule" comment. I'm actually an Alabama fan living in Iowa and have profiles on here and CF just for something other than the typical "SEC is king" stuff to read. Don't get me wrong, I grew up in Iowa and Alabama as a military kid, so I know plenty about UofI and ISU. Just like talking sports with mostly reasonable people but there are plenty on both of these sites I could deal without.
Half the ISU posters on here are twice as knowledgable as some of the Hawk fans with their glass of kool aid and their Hawkeye shades on.

With the said... there are a few ISUer posters I wouldn't mind seeing go.

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