Need some help with new site...


Well-Known Member
Sorry for posting this on here... but I am trying to figure out how to change my password as I can not remember the one given to me by HN.

Thank you
Send me an email with what u want. Put PASSWORD in subject lone. I will get it done by midnight tonight at latest
Top right of on the Forum page - Under Centurion Stone ad - says "My Cpanel" in yellow font

Under that add, my log on information appears saying I am logged in as tmurph2643 i have 0 messages in my inbox and it is a big black box that covers everything and I can not get rid of it.
First rule in tech support, if it works and they said you fixed it, then you fixed it!

LOL. I just wanted him to know that he did it himself. He can be a model for others to try it on their own making less fires to put out. I would not be a good IT guy