Nebraska's Discipline Policy vs Other Programs


Well-Known Member
When the news of possible rape at the home of three Nebraska football players broke I thought they would be at least punished because of the underage drinking and the negative publicity. Contrast that event and the punishment King got for being late for a meeting. I think Riley let them skate. Did he condone bad behavior by doing nothing? Bad precedent for a team with a lack of discipline on the field.
Wasn't Pelini pretty tough discipline wise when he was there? I seem to remember quite a few of his players being suspended for marijuana and alcohol type violations.
Don't hate on Nebby's administration! They deserve a Game Ball for allowing Armstrong to play and gift us 4 INTs.
In hindsight, I'm glad they did let Tommy and Westerkamp play, if they were suspended that would have been just one more excuse why they lost to the Hawks.
I was mad about all this, but then after the first gift wrapped interception, I immediately changed my opinion.
I think about how Micah Hyde's arrest was handled at Iowa. He was a senior not known as a trouble maker. It was his first time getting in trouble. So Iowa policy said no big punishment was needed for his first offense. Now if he would have gotten in trouble again, then he might have gotten suspended. But Hyde was not the type, so nothing more ever happened to him.

Not saying the Nebraska situation was the same thing. Maybe what happened to Coker at Iowa would be a better example, but to this day, I don't know exactly what Coker did.
If I ruled the world (be glad I don't) if the police are called the players get suspended until it is over. But my name is not Money so my opinion does not matter.

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