Nebraska Proves It’s Both Desperate And Disingenuous

The crazy thing, though, is that even with as shitty as they've performed the last 5 years, they continue to bring in Top 25 classes. Granted, they obviously don't know how to develop them once they're there, but the fact they can still bring in that type of talent while remaining largely irrelevant during the last 20 years is crazy.

Nebraska Football: Doing Less With More
i haven't read all of the posts, so if this has been said, then disregard. but this could also be a function of having to payoff two coaches and your budget being shot. you offer everyone that other B1G schools have offered and you hope the "brand name" is enough to get them on campus. cuts down on travel costs and would make sense if your budget was shot. and, this would make me laugh, if it was true. kNU can go start their own conference as far as i'm concerned. it's funny that a school that has lost 5 in a row and 6 out of 7 to iowa, indicate that the reason they shouldn't be playing iowa on black friday is because they are too good of a program to have to stoop that low. you know, they're missing out on a really big exposure day.
Can there be a middle ground here? I think what Nebraska is doing is weak, lazy, and disingenuous; but I also think that Kirk needs to try somewhat harder to reel in 4* talent, of which we get very little.
Can there be a middle ground here? I think what Nebraska is doing is weak, lazy, and disingenuous; but I also think that Kirk needs to try somewhat harder to reel in 4* talent, of which we get very little.
What’s your suggestion for trying harder? Honest question.

There’s no correlation between success and the number of offers; Maryland, Rutgers, and Indiana offer roughly the same number of players as PSU, and almost the same as Michigan.

It’s obvious that this list has zero relation to end results.

I’d also argue that with the exception of Wisconsin, Iowa does more with the recruits it gets than any other B1G team. Saying we want more 4 stars just on its face value doesn’t mean much for actual results if you don’t put character and “system fit” first. Because in order to get those four stars you have to sell your soul like Harbaugh, Meyer/Day, Frost, Franklin, etc. I don’t want to root for a team like that.
The most shocking thing about the list: Stanford has offered 27 guys. And Iowa thinks they are selective.

Stanford’s admissions requirements easily eliminate probably 300 of Nebraska’s recruits right off the bat, so they’re apples/oranges at that point.

That actually came up today when it was reported one of the reasons Mel Tucker was fed up at Colorado was that (according to him) he had a gentleman’s agreement with the regents that admission requirements would be lowered to minimums so he could try and compete for recruits.

Northwestern and UCLA being so far down would have some of that same effect going on.

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