Nebraska played


Well-Known Member
There best game of the year on both sides of the ball on Friday. As a huge Hawk fan living in Omaha I venture to say no one wanted an Iowa win more than me. Unfortunately by living here I know more about husker football than I would care to.

They played as well as they can, at home field, + 2 in turnovers, had a intercepted ball instead be a third down conversion, and there wr's caught balls they haven't all year......and won by 13. No excuses as JVB was a little off and the wr's dropped a couple key passes = poor execution.

By the way, our defense played great and I was happy with their performance, especially given the fact they were on the field for 40 minutes. Great effort !

Yes, I would have liked to see us run straight at them a little more early in the game, especially when inside there 40...but that would have been a moot point if the passing game was better. Our oline played really well in the first half and was getting a great push.

Personally, I don't think Iowa lacked passion as much as some on this board, I think we lacked depth, a certain level of talent, and lacked focus and execution at times....key times.

Honestly I think the coaches were questionable at ISU and MN, other than that I think we were outplayed and out executed in our losses. Listen, I have some of the same frustrations as everyone else and wouldn't mind a couple of tweaks, but don't believe a wholesale change is needed, just my opinion. I think more than anything, frustrations from a very disappointing Last year have spilled to this year. NO, I am not satisfied with mediocrity, or underperforming, or losing to teams we seemingly shoul beat...and I will be upset with bad losses going forward. I believe 7ish wins is the basement for what I will "accept", but I believe we Can and Will improve.....does any real Iowa fan have another choice...except for the crybaby fans that will stomp their feet and wallow in misery. I would venture a guess that the loudest of of these malcontents became "Real" Iowa fans around

To those fans I say poop in one hand and complain in the other and see which one fills up faster.

Again, no one wanted to beat ne more than me, but I love my Hawkeyes, always will, win or lose.

I realize coming to a message board after a loss is not the path to happy and is my own poor choice. Much like I realize my post will do nothing to change people's opinions. I guess it's for my own "healing".

Until proven otherwise, I believe a bowl win and an improved season and a win over ne is in our future.

go Hawks, forever.
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Aside from their play in the secondary, i wasnt really impressed. Iowa dominated the D line in the first half
Aside from their play in the secondary, i wasnt really impressed. Iowa dominated the D line in the first half
Again, not the point, they executed on offense the best they have all year. Their wr's played their best game and helped kmart.

Their line wasn't great but overall played well enough with their secondary playing lights out.
I agree! I almost wish this season was over so we could move forward and prepare for next year. This season lacks motivation and excitement at all ends. Id like to see the team get some new captains...i love marvin, hes awesome but i very rarely see him pumping up the offense. Majority of the time he doesnt even get in the huddle. In the nebby game i felt he was playing not to get hurt, very conservative. He knows he has the nfl to look forward too. Anywho...the coaches are here to stay, we do have more talent down the line just need some excitement. Thats why i appreciate isu coach because he shows enthusiasm..players feed off that!!

Go hawks!! I will still be rooting them on in the bowl game but excited for next year, thats for sure!
There best game of the year on both sides of the ball on Friday. As a huge Hawk fan living in Omaha I venture to say no one wanted an Iowa win more than me. Unfortunately by living here I know more about husker football than I would care to.

They played as well as they can, at home field, + 2 in turnovers, had a intercepted ball instead be a third down conversion, and there wr's caught balls they haven't all year......and won by 13. No excuses as JVB was a little off and the wr's dropped a couple key passes = poor execution.

By the way, our defense played great and I was happy with their performance, especially given the fact they were on the field for 40 minutes. Great effort !

Yes, I would have liked to see us run straight at them a little more early in the game, especially when inside there 40...but that would have been a moot point if the passing game was better. Our oline played really well in the first half and was getting a great push.

Personally, I don't think Iowa lacked passion as much as some on this board, I think we lacked depth, a certain level of talent, and lacked focus and execution at times....key times.

Honestly I think the coaches were questionable at ISU and MN, other than that I think we were outplayed and out executed in our losses. Listen, I have some of the same frustrations as everyone else and wouldn't mind a couple of tweaks, but don't believe a wholesale change is needed, just my opinion. I think more than anything, frustrations from a very disappointing Last year have spilled to this year. NO, I am not satisfied with mediocrity, or underperforming, or losing to teams we seemingly shoul beat...and I will be upset with bad losses going forward. I believe 7ish wins is the basement for what I will "accept", but I believe we Can and Will improve.....does any real Iowa fan have another choice...except for the crybaby fans that will stomp their feet and wallow in misery. I would venture a guess that the loudest of of these malcontents became "Real" Iowa fans around

To those fans I say poop in one hand and complain in the other and see which one fills up faster.

Again, no one wanted to beat ne more than me, but I love my Hawkeyes, always will, win or lose.

I realize coming to a message board after a loss is not the path to happy and is my own poor choice. Much like I realize my post will do nothing to change people's opinions. I guess it's for my own "healing".

Until proven otherwise, I believe a bowl win and an improved season and a win over ne is in our future.

go Hawks, forever.

BS...we play uninspired football...we coach uninspired football and I can say it and still support the team!
There best game of the year on both sides of the ball on Friday. As a huge Hawk fan living in Omaha I venture to say no one wanted an Iowa win more than me. Unfortunately by living here I know more about husker football than I would care to.

They played as well as they can, at home field, + 2 in turnovers, had a intercepted ball instead be a third down conversion, and there wr's caught balls they haven't all year......and won by 13. No excuses as JVB was a little off and the wr's dropped a couple key passes = poor execution.

By the way, our defense played great and I was happy with their performance, especially given the fact they were on the field for 40 minutes. Great effort !

Yes, I would have liked to see us run straight at them a little more early in the game, especially when inside there 40...but that would have been a moot point if the passing game was better. Our oline played really well in the first half and was getting a great push.

Personally, I don't think Iowa lacked passion as much as some on this board, I think we lacked depth, a certain level of talent, and lacked focus and execution at times....key times.

Honestly I think the coaches were questionable at ISU and MN, other than that I think we were outplayed and out executed in our losses. Listen, I have some of the same frustrations as everyone else and wouldn't mind a couple of tweaks, but don't believe a wholesale change is needed, just my opinion. I think more than anything, frustrations from a very disappointing Last year have spilled to this year. NO, I am not satisfied with mediocrity, or underperforming, or losing to teams we seemingly shoul beat...and I will be upset with bad losses going forward. I believe 7ish wins is the basement for what I will "accept", but I believe we Can and Will improve.....does any real Iowa fan have another choice...except for the crybaby fans that will stomp their feet and wallow in misery. I would venture a guess that the loudest of of these malcontents became "Real" Iowa fans around

To those fans I say poop in one hand and complain in the other and see which one fills up faster.

Again, no one wanted to beat ne more than me, but I love my Hawkeyes, always will, win or lose.

I realize coming to a message board after a loss is not the path to happy and is my own poor choice. Much like I realize my post will do nothing to change people's opinions. I guess it's for my own "healing".

Until proven otherwise, I believe a bowl win and an improved season and a win over ne is in our future.

go Hawks, forever.
Great post. Thoughtful and insightful.... an example of what one wishes we could see more of around here. Thanks.
BS...we play uninspired football...we coach uninspired football and I can say it and still support the team!
Uninspired huh? You know this do you. Sure your just not looking for answers? Or a reason to blame the coaches.

You are entitled to believe what you want. Enjoy the misery.

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