Nebraska naming coaches

Not the point, bro.
The point is Kac says this and Iowa will curl up with its tail between her legs in silence.
Feeding the weakness argument.

Here is where your wrong. Most football people will look at his territory, the lack of production from it and say he is a ****** recruiter. He is the first Iowa coach to leave under circumstances that are a bit foggy. And then he opens his mouth and removes any doubt that he is an ***. You don't think more players will talk about him now? Pelini did us a huge favor. The best thing that Iowa can do is say nothing. Let the media kill this guy for Iowa.
I've said many good things. I've stated numerous times that KF is one of the best if not the best teachers of the game. I've said they do an awful lot with what they have to work with in comparison to who they're competing against.

This is a YOU problem. YOU are incapable of accepting that Iowa is not perfect. That Iowa has flaws. That Iowa isn't this collegiate sports machine incapable of being stopped. Due to YOUR inability to accept that Iowa isn't the mecca of sports, you're unable to see anything but roses and butterflies.

It's really not a me problem...I don't believe any of the things you just tried to lump me into...but what the hell, keep has to be a good thing to let your angst out...:)
I've said many good things. I've stated numerous times that KF is one of the best if not the best teachers of the game. I've said they do an awful lot with what they have to work with in comparison to who they're competing against.This is a YOU problem. YOU are incapable of accepting that Iowa is not perfect. That Iowa has flaws. That Iowa isn't this collegiate sports machine incapable of being stopped. Due to YOUR inability to accept that Iowa isn't the mecca of sports, you're unable to see anything but roses and butterflies.
It's really not a me problem...I don't believe any of the things you just tried to lump me into...but what the hell, keep has to be a good thing to let your angst out...:)

It was a nice attempt at trying to be like Deace. Gotta give him that.
Here is where your wrong. Most football people will look at his territory, the lack of production from it and say he is a ****** recruiter. He is the first Iowa coach to leave under circumstances that are a bit foggy. And then he opens his mouth and removes any doubt that he is an ***. You don't think more players will talk about him now? Pelini did us a huge favor. The best thing that Iowa can do is say nothing. Let the media kill this guy for Iowa.

Bo just needed someone to chest bump and be his "bro" now that Carl is gone...
It is the point, bro. Coach K is gone, thankfully. The attrition at DL should stop.

Its not the point, DL isn't the only position that's been affected by attrition.
Its just another example of blind faith spinning everything to ease your mind that Iowa is perfect and if something is wrong its someone else's fault.

Why is it so hard to just admit that Iowa is a good football program with many issues and not this unstoppable machine that only has issues when some outsider causes it?
It is the point, bro. Coach K is gone, thankfully. The attrition at DL should stop.
Its not the point, DL isn't the only position that's been affected by attrition.Its just another example of blind faith spinning everything to ease your mind that Iowa is perfect and if something is wrong its someone else's fault. Why is it so hard to just admit that Iowa is a good football program with many issues and not this unstoppable machine that only has issues when some outsider causes it?

How many times are you gonna change you're argument???
Here is where your wrong. Most football people will look at his territory, the lack of production from it and say he is a ****** recruiter. He is the first Iowa coach to leave under circumstances that are a bit foggy. And then he opens his mouth and removes any doubt that he is an ***. You don't think more players will talk about him now? Pelini did us a huge favor. The best thing that Iowa can do is say nothing. Let the media kill this guy for Iowa.

Yeah, the media, good luck with that.
Had a sports media member from DSM tell me tonight that until this week, he didn't even know who Kac was. They're clueless and don't care. Just ask 'em. they don't.

Players gonna talk about him? At Iowa? Not a freakin' chance.
Its not the point, DL isn't the only position that's been affected by attrition.
Its just another example of blind faith spinning everything to ease your mind that Iowa is perfect and if something is wrong its someone else's fault.

Why is it so hard to just admit that Iowa is a good football program with many issues and not this unstoppable machine that only has issues when some outsider causes it?

I would prefer that Iowa was more open with things like this. I treat a comment like Ferentz saying we haven't put a lot of energy into it like I do the depth chart. Neither are based in reality. The main thing KF has in common with Bellichick is that they don't say anything more than they have to to the media. Often that is where the similarities end. I am not satisfied with the performance of the staff over the last two seasons, but I don't care when they name a DC, I care who it is. If we lose recruits over the timing of that I don't care because nearly every school loses 4-8 players every class by the time a given class has been on campus. This is a stupid thing to get worked up about. But there are plenty of on field issues to be ****** about for sure.
Do you really believe the drivel you spill. You want the Iowa coaches to reply to the middle school crying of a coach who was basically shown the door?

This is the response I expect from a person like you. Trashing a program or former employer is about as dumb as whining about the fact you don't like the speed of the hiring process of a d coordinator.

Your mom and dad are not real proud are they.
Not the point, bro.
The point is Kac says this and Iowa will curl up with its tail between her legs in silence.
Feeding the weakness argument.
No one can say anything bad or critical about any aspect of the program without them getting defensive.

Of course you can. There are certainly legitimate criticisms of our coaching staff. I have yet to see you mention one, however. Perhaps someday you'll blindly stumble upon one.
Honestly Trey and Mr Carr,
Neither one of you are even very good at this. I sense you are just trying to run people up the flag pole and believe me, that used to be a hobby of mine and unfortunately I still engage from time to time.
The point I'm trying to make is you aren't even good at that. You keep putting words in peoples mouth, that even you don't believe they said. These guys, the ones like me, and there are a lot of them. We aren't okay with being average. In fact you can tell by how most of them talk they are probably fairly successful in what they do. They are hungry, but aware of their own failings and therefore others.
They look nationally and see the "other" great coaches, who are losing 5 games, and 6 games and more. They see how hard it is and yes they see KF fail. In fact if they are really like me they don't care so much about KF as they do the program and they see he has been good and can be better.
You really don't get the first thing about running anything. And if the next thing out of your mouth is how you do this and that, I'm going to call you on it. I've listed my name, profession, business and phone number many times. I'm an open book and if you want to go that direction I'm fine with it. But I'm not going to listen to YOU. Mr critic with nothing to show, tell us how we are blind or apologists. I'm okay with a different winning coach, but I don't want to be Florida with their new coach, or ND or FSU or Miami, or, or, the program, heck you probably are so zoned in on THIS one thing you aren't even aware there are other powerhouses out there struggling. If I'm going to have growing pains, I'll have them right here and right now, with this staff.
But as it sits right now, your losing people in your own party because quite frankly, they speak much more reasonably than you 2 cats.
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