Nebraska - Iowa Game

I really wasn't swayed either way during the whole conversation. Good arguments on both sides. Therefore, I will go by the if you don't know what to do, do nothing stance.

Still open for persuasion though.
I have to say I really don’t like the idea of playing on Friday nights. I don’t really remember Iowa ever playing on Fridays. I think that the Iowa Nebraska rivalry will be a big rivalry because it just seems natural that the two schools would be rivals. They both have strong histories in football and before Nebraska fans say it I know not as good as yours, but the Hawks have enjoyed a lot of success over the years. I think this rivalry will be much better than the ISU one was for Nebraska thats for sure no offence to little brother. To me playing this game on a Friday night sounds gimmicky and I just don’t see this rivalry needing that.
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They could play at 6:00 AM on a Tuesday for all I care, just so long as Iowa beats Knobraska. Better dead than red! Go Hawks!
I think it would be great if they played it on Friday night, great reason to have a party. However, since it's in late November it would be played during the day.

Therefore, I say leave it on Saturday afternoon... just make it the 2:30 game and not the 12:00 game.
Tradition? Since when is IOWA playing on Friday a tradition?

Michigan didn't start touching the banner until 1962. I wonder if people were saying "Since when is THAT a tradition?" back then too?

The point is that all traditions have to start somewhere, they don't just magically appear.
Anyone know what the Nebby-Co ratings are on that Friday?

On a personal note, I think it would suck. Thurs./Fri. of Thanksgiving week are for spending time with family. Football brings my dad, my brothers, and I together, but I've got lots of aunts, uncles, in-laws, cousins, etc. that don't really follow sports. I've never seen a minute of the Nebby-CO game because of this reason.
Anyone know what the Nebby-Co ratings are on that Friday?

On a personal note, I think it would suck. Thurs./Fri. of Thanksgiving week are for spending time with family. Football brings my dad, my brothers, and I together, but I've got lots of aunts, uncles, in-laws, cousins, etc. that don't really follow sports. I've never seen a minute of the Nebby-CO game because of this reason.

I would guess that the fact that it was Nebraska and COLORADO would have a significant impact on the ratings, for the same reason that I don't watch Kansas play Oklahoma on a Saturday: it's a lousy matchup.
Michigan didn't start touching the banner until 1962. I wonder if people were saying "Since when is THAT a tradition?" back then too?

The point is that all traditions have to start somewhere, they don't just magically appear.

you cant just call out traditions in advance either, traditions and rivalries these days just seem forced, like the penn state michigan state "rivalry" and now our purdue "rivalry" just because there is a trophy or a commissioner declares it doesnt make it so. in a way they do just kind of magically appear out of history not calling it out in advance
I would guess that the fact that it was Nebraska and COLORADO would have a significant impact on the ratings, for the same reason that I don't watch Kansas play Oklahoma on a Saturday: it's a lousy matchup.

Colorado had a lot of football success in the 90's and this was supposed to be the rivalry of the North for the Big 12 after their merge with the SWC. (Kinda sounds familiar in a terrible way actually.) But because CO ended up sucking (and Nebraska went downhill as well), the game lost it's luster, and, as I said, never enticed me to watch a minute because I had more important things to do on that day.

The question is, would you be more likely to watch a random game (or better yet a moderately interesting game) if it were on that Friday? For me personally, I'd be less likely to watch on that Friday, but that doesn't mean the avg. person would be. That's why I wanted to know the ratings.

Nebraska and Iowa fans are going to watch no matter when they have the game. But would more random college football fans watch on that Friday or that Saturday? I honestly don't know.
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Colorado had a lot of football success in the 90's and this was supposed to be the rivalry of the North for the Big 12 after their merge with the SWC. (Kinda sounds familiar in a terrible way actually.) But because CO ended up sucking (and Nebraska went downhill as well), the game lost it's luster, and, as I said, never enticed me to watch a minute because I had more important things to do on that day.

The question is, would you be more likely to watch a random game (or better yet a moderately interesting game) if it were on that Friday? For me personally, I'd be less likely to watch on that Friday, but that doesn't mean the avg. person would be. That's why I wanted to know the ratings.

Nebraska and Iowa fans are going to watch no matter when they have the game. But would more random college football fans watch on that Friday or that Saturday? I honestly don't know.

I'm not sure how the ratings work for that kind of thing. But being the only game in town is advantageous. During the 2:30 timeslot this past weekend, there were several games I really wanted to see, and I only end up following one closely, and maybe flip to the others from time to time. Does that count the same as someone watching that game closely?

You also increase the number of random fans by playing on a Friday because the game is on national TV rather than regional.
I'm not sure how the ratings work for that kind of thing. But being the only game in town is advantageous. During the 2:30 timeslot this past weekend, there were several games I really wanted to see, and I only end up following one closely, and maybe flip to the others from time to time. Does that count the same as someone watching that game closely?

You also increase the number of random fans by playing on a Friday because the game is on national TV rather than regional.

My hunch is that you're correct... I just wanted to see some actual data to confirm or deny.

On the personal side, it would still suck for me. The TV is very, very rarely on from Wed. night through Friday in my family on Thanksgiving. We'd have to make an exception for the Hawks if it ever came to pass though.

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