Nebraska Injuries and/or Legal Issues as of 11/23/2015

I'm sure if they would have had the choice they would have had their bye sooner. I wouldn't want such a late bye, a is nice mid-season bye gets you time to heal up for conference play. The only advantage Nebby has from this bye is against us, but that's not what they wanted.
Legal schmeegal. It'll just work itself out. The boys on the team are good boys. We gotta keep them focused on the important things right now, and that's not being losers and reaching 6-6, a very average team.
There's going to be a press conference tomorrow morning (Lincoln police, not the university). I'm sure nothing will happen.
I say let them suit up and we punish Tommy 4 thumbs and Molestercamp. If they don't play our guys may not be as motivated and Nebraska guys may rally. Look at Purdue's back up and what happened when their QB went down...we let up.
My problem is that Nebraska was allowed to have a bye week prior to the last game of the season. That's not right and should not be allowed. Every B1G team should be forced to have a game on every weekend in November.

Sorry .. .. just my $.02 ..

Weird enough to have a bye before the last week. Not to mention getting to play a team coming off of an extra short week(holiday) in addition to that.

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