Nebraska can do better than Bo Pelini.

in this neck of the woods there are many stories about osborn getting players out of trouble/jail just in time for game days. i'm sure it happened in most (all?) programs back in the day with less media to hold them accountable.

This is a big part of it. Pelini might be a jerk on the sidelines, but Osborne is the one that was morally bankrupt.

There are numerous stories about Osborne's time as an AD in the B12 where he made comments in meetings that caused the entire room of AD's and schools Presidents to collectively shake their heads in either confusion or disgust and I have a feeling the B10 brass are starting to see that that themselves.
Re: To those that think Osborn and Nebraska are slime.

My point, doublewide, is that if someone from an opposing program wanted to they could probably come up with a similar list to use against Iowa. I am not saying we would agree with them, but then the school being singled out would rarely agree with their critics, now, would they?

Plus, in order to come up with some sort of similar list they would not have to come up with seven points since your points 2A, 3, 5 and 6 are totally worthless points in the argument, as maybe point 4 is as well. So you have points 1 and 2 in your argument against a guy who has a solid 20+ year track record as a head coach and person.

Considering no one is perfect (except you, evidently) that is a pretty solid record of only having two things joker on a message board can use against you. And evidently you don't care to acknowledge that they have had more academic AA's than any other school around.

Your argument, doublewide, is yet another case of an anonymous message board poster who will say whatever they want whether there is anything to it or not and is not held accountable for what they say, for the most part.

Look anonymous message board policeman I am not an Iowa fan first off, I am a Cyclone so Nebby burns deep with me. But if you would cordially set up a meeting with Tommy O and myself I will sit and have tea and crumpets with him and discuss my disdain for him and Nebby.
Nebraska is a great university with one of the most passionate and loyal fanbases in the country. They are a perfect fit for the B1G and vice versa. BUTT, (and I say 'butt' because I'm going to start talking about Bo Pelini, who is an ***) their head football coach is an immature, classless jerk. When I think of Nebraska football, I think of Tom Osborne, a quiet, humble coach who was a walking example of class. When I think of Tom Osborne being Nebraska's athletic director, I don't see a good fit with Bo Pelini. I see oil and water and I think it's a matter of time before Osborne cans his punk a$$. I don't care about how well of an Xs and Os coach Pelini might be, Nebraska can do better. How many more times does Nebraska have to be embarrassed by this POS? I don't care if it's refs, his local fawning media, his own players, or today's sideline reporter, he consistently shows a lack of class and a lack of control over his emotions (in a junior highish, hit-me-face sort of way). He makes a great program way too easy to hate.
I hope not...he is not head coach material...and we want him to stay.
Re: To those that think Osborn and Nebraska are slime.

Look anonymous message board policeman I am not an Iowa fan first off, I am a Cyclone so Nebby burns deep with me. But if you would cordially set up a meeting with Tommy O and myself I will sit and have tea and crumpets with him and discuss my disdain for him and Nebby.

So, just to be sure, you haven't really refuted anything I said in my post above where I mentioned that only two of your points legitimately need to be contested and you never addressed the fact that Nebraska, since Osborn has been there as a head coach, has had more academic AA's than any other school around.

You hate the program, probably because you are jealous since for the most part there is no substance to your comments and you are a Cyclone fan, and that means you are obviously correct in your arguments.

Oh, okay.
You obviously are trying to pick a fight with all the Hawk fans on this site ... You don't care to be on this site anymore than just say so, otherwise you need to quit with the uncalled for attacks of the posters.

I am sure if you were to expand on your opinion you would bring things up that would be defended by you if someone brought up similar things about Iowa's coach. Whenever your coach gives second chances or does things that outsiders question it is always the right thing and others are always wrong. But, whenever it is "Insert any other coach's name here" there is always a reason to not believe their reasoning and make them out to be a slime ball.Osborn and Nebraska have had more academic All-Americans than pretty much any other football program over the years. They must care about some of the right things over there. That would probably mean they aren't complete slime.But then I have forgotten how some are without fault and perfect compared to those they write about from their anonymous screen names. I personally rarely write anything on this board I wouldn't say to someone's face. Many here can't make that same statement. I guess I typically have a problem with people like that because that makes them two-faced people at bare minimum. And then how far is that from being total slime?
Re: To those that think Osborn and Nebraska are slime.

I am sure if you were to expand on your opinion you would bring things up that would be defended by you if someone brought up similar things about Iowa's coach. Whenever your coach gives second chances or does things that outsiders question it is always the right thing and others are always wrong. But, whenever it is "Insert any other coach's name here" there is always a reason to not believe their reasoning and make them out to be a slime ball.

Osborn and Nebraska have had more academic All-Americans than pretty much any other football program over the years. They must care about some of the right things over there. That would probably mean they aren't complete slime.

But then I have forgotten how some are without fault and perfect compared to those they write about from their anonymous screen names. I personally rarely write anything on this board I wouldn't say to someone's face. Many here can't make that same statement. I guess I typically have a problem with people like that because that makes them two-faced people at bare minimum. And then how far is that from being total slime?

Your real name is Thawki?
Re: To those that think Osborn and Nebraska are slime.

This is rich from a fan of the school who's head football coach got arrested for crimes as bad or worse than some of those you mentioned, and who's basketball coached got fired for partying with co-eds. You certainly should know about slimeball coaches. But let's debunk some of the envy-dripping tripe you spew.

1. Lawrence Phillips
Bad decision, one that Osborne clearly admits to.

2. The Peters Brothers
2 guys with very public substance abuse problems (like many football players), who, since they have overcome those issues, have been good citizens.

2A. There is probably more puke athletes he let back on the team.
Speculation, keep talking out of your gaping wide a-hole.

3. Winning titles with "Partial Qualifiers" and then having butt hurt when the Big 12 said you couldn't do that any more.
Which was perfectly legal and within the rules.

4. Total hypocrite on equal revenue sharing.
Not at all, we just got a better deal, one that ISU couldn't get.

5. Can't beat UT or OU run away like a biatch.
It had all to do with conference stability. It was really funny to see you clownies gripping about falling out of a BCS conference, when we had a stable home. But, it is a nice statement that any unintelligent fan would make.

6. Tommy O is Lucifer.
Jealousy is not becoming. Just cause he smoked the clowns pretty much every year, you don't have to hate.

He is not perfect, but the man has done a ton of good, set up charities, given at risk youth opportunties they normally wouldn't have had, etc. Since you have no idea about class, you should read one or two of his books. It might give you a clue.

As for Bo, the jury is still out on him, but he won't get the axe as long as he is winning 9-10 games per year and running a clean program. That mistake was already made once.
Typical Husker fan living in the 70's and 90's. I loved Bennett on the B1G site when he said Kaz was making a lateral or even slightly downward move. Husker fans blasted him saying we have 5 NC's, 3 Heisman winners, we are not a lateral move.
He then blasted you N fans saying football is relative, we look at the recent past not decades ago. In fact he said Iowa has won 2 BCS bowls and Nebraska hasn't even been to it was a lateral move. Love your coach he is awesome...I hope he stays for a long time....:)
Typical Husker fan living in the 70's and 90's.
Exactly how is defending your former coach and current AD "living in the past," especially when I wasn't the one bringing up the past? Seriously, you need to get a new drum, cuz that tired, old, wore out thing you're pounding on needs to be burried.

Every time you play that card you might as well say, "I have nothing relevant to add, and our program is inferior to yours and I am jealous."

You should be better than that.

In fact he said Iowa has won 2 BCS bowls and Nebraska hasn't even been to it was a lateral move. Love your coach he is awesome...I hope he stays for a long time....:)
Except that he is wrong, Nebraska played in the BCS championship game in 2001.
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