Nebraska Arrogance


Well-Known Member
I truly hope Iowa shows up like they did at Ohio State and shoves Big Red's arrogance down their throat. I can't stand their fans, team and most of all Bo Pelini. This is the first time in 3 years it feels we have the team that has a chance to do it. Get it done Hawks!
I hope that Iowa doesn't show up like they did at Ohio State or they're going to lose.

I hope the first half team from that game shows up and plays the entire game.
It's going to be a tough game. Iowa has their chances but so do the Huskers. This is the one game on the schedule I would love to see Iowa win every year.
I can't say I blame them, they have had more success than Iowa through their history. Which makes beating them even more special.
Yes, but it's only because they have such high expectations and we are losers (note sarcasm).

Funny thing is, what do those high expectations get them? They haven't been relevant on the national scale in well over a decade. They have fired two coaches in the last decade and on the verge of firing a third. And yet, here they two point favorites over Iowa in Lincoln and battling the little ol Hawkeyes for the Outback or Buffalo Wild Wings bowl.

And their coach hates them.

My in-laws are all Nebraska and they are absolutely intolerable. Can't even have a normal football conversation with them. It used to **** me off, but now it's mostly sad and I'm borderline embarrassed for them. They are like the 28 year old guy that shows up to the high school keg parties still wearing his letter jacket.
Plus one.

I keep hearing Nebraska fans calling in on Des Moines sports shows the last few days.

Even when they are somewhat complimentary of Iowa, they are careful to point out that Nebraska will, of course, win the game. It's like their tone suggests that this is fact- no other result would be possible.

When I lived on Omaha, I didn't mind some of the stone-headed fans because some were friends / co-workers, etc. But from a distance, yea. That inbred stubborn arrogance shines through. I hope we win by 4+ touchdowns.
For the first time since they've joined the B1G, Husker fans are truthfully afraid they'll lose to the Hawkeyes. Make their dreams come true Iowa.
This is old and out of date with the conference re-alignment but still worth a read (especially the Nebby part) inside the context of hating of the Fuskers this week.

If the Big XII were girls...

Texas is the hottest, richest chick around. She can have anybody she wants. Ifyou land Texas , all of your dreams come true. What you don’t realize is thatat the end of the day, you are going to be sitting outside of the dressing roomat Nordstrom’s with your thumb up your *** holding her purse while she tries ona bunch of really expensive ****. If you can live with her wearing the pants inthe family, then fine. But you’d better learn to like working for her daddy andhaving her tell you what to wear when you go to the club for dinner on Sundaynights.

OU is a hot chick with big fake boobs who spends lots of time in the gym, butshe’s a huge whore. The bad news is that OU will cheat on you. The good news isthat OU doesn’t care if you cheat on her. It’s all fun and games until someonedoesn’t practice safe sex or your neighbors are snickering at you behind yourback because your girl got double teamed by a couple of conventioneers at theAnatole the week of the Cotton Bowl.

A&M is somewhat good looking and intelligent, but completely bat ****crazy. You can’t tell if A&M is bipolar or just having really bad PMS. Buteither way, she is going to say and do a whole bunch of **** that is just goingto leave you scratching your head or ducking for cover. A&M also has tworeally huge problems: 1) A&M thinks she is much hotter and much smarterthan she really is; and 2) She’s got all sorts of issues with Texas . Both ofthose feed into her mania. You don’t know what you are getting with this nutjob, but it wouldn’t surprise you if she cut off all of her hair and joined theSEC, and then 10 minutes later realized how bad she f*cked up and came back toyou in hysterics.

Colorado is the hippy chick who spends all day on Pearl Street dropping emptygas tank lines on the tourists until her father comes to pick her up in hisBenz on the way home from his law practice. Colorado is desirable as long asyou can duck batteries, put up with poor hygiene and don’t mind the smell ofpatchouli.

Tech is cute but has poor self esteem. If you pay any attention to herwhatsoever, she will love you forever. She’s the type who gives you a smoker onthe way to dinner and would be just as content to be your f*ck buddy. The worseyou treat Tech, the more she loves you.

Oklahoma State is a less attractive and sluttier version of OU. She might lookpretty good if you’ve had a few drinks, and she’ll let you do anything you wantto her in bed. You also might think that she’s rich, but then you find out thatall of her credit cards are maxed out and she can’t afford the car she’sdriving.

Baylor is overweight, homely and manipulative, and is always sticking her noseinto your business where it doesn’t belong. Baylor will try every trick in theworld to land the right guy. Baylor will lie, cheat, steal, backstab,blackmail, etc… and then justify it all by going to church on Sunday and askingJesus for forgiveness. The worst part about Baylor is that she won’t give itup, but will try to ****-block you every chance that she gets.

Nebraska is a cougar who has lost her fastball and is jealous of the otherhotter chicks (i.e., Texas ). She just spent $2500 on Botox and lip injections,and she now looks like the joker when she smiles. It’s sad to see such a formerhottie act so desperately and what’s worse, she can’t decide whether she shouldtry to hook up with an aging sugar daddy or go have a series of one-nighterswith the drunk twenty-somethings she picks up at Midnight Rodeo.

Missouri is your classic butterface. Great body, but she looks like she felloff the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down. At the end of the day,the bad grill outweighs the nice tight a$$, because you never want to take herout in public. The last thing you want is to wake up the next morning and haveMissouri staring you in the face.

Kansas is cute, but not hot. She’s a nice girl and has a great personality, butneeds to drop about 15 lbs. You can see how she could be more attractive, butshe’s not ever going to be very sexy, no matter what she does. Kansas is thegirl you feel guilty jumping on, but you do it anyway.

Kansas State is overweight and stupid. A few years ago when she lost a ton ofweight and looked pretty good, you hooked up with her. Now, you look back andcan’t even imagine that it is the same human being. You ignore her Facebookfriend request and pretend you don’t recognize or remember her when you runinto her in public.

Iowa State is the drunken fat chick at the end of the bar that is just happy tobe out of the house. The other girls are nice to Iowa State , mostly becausethey all look better standing next to her. Iowa State is the type who getsstuck with the huge bar tab at the end of the night and goes home alone unlesssome really wasted chubby chaser ends up tagging her.

This is old and out of date with the conference re-alignment but still worth a read (especially the Nebby part) inside the context of hating of the Fuskers this week.

If the Big XII were girls...

Nebraska is a cougar who has lost her fastball and is jealous of the otherhotter chicks (i.e., Texas ). She just spent $2500 on Botox and lip injections,and she now looks like the joker when she smiles. It’s sad to see such a formerhottie act so desperately and what’s worse, she can’t decide whether she shouldtry to hook up with an aging sugar daddy or go have a series of one-nighterswith the drunk twenty-somethings she picks up at Midnight Rodeo.

Iowa State is the drunken fat chick at the end of the bar that is just happy tobe out of the house. The other girls are nice to Iowa State , mostly becausethey all look better standing next to her. Iowa State is the type who getsstuck with the huge bar tab at the end of the night and goes home alone unlesssome really wasted chubby chaser ends up tagging her.
These are obviously my 2 favorite. I'm waiting for Stewo or another clone fan to come defend their program's honor.
Wisconsin showed everyone how you beat Nebby when you have a good running game a couple years ago.You run the ball inside the tackles and once you have them committed to stoping the run, you throw over the top. They have too much team speed to beat on the outside sweep but they play small in the trenches so Iowa needs to be disciplined and lean on them on the inside even if it isn't working right away.

Im sure KF will decide that Iowa has to be balanced and won't stick with the run even if it is working. I hope he proves me wrong but 15 years says he will not continue to pound the ball.

If Weisman runs one stretch play in this game then KF and GD should be fired on the spot.

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