Neb @ Wisc, Wisky 10 pt fav, not so sure


Well-Known Member
I know Wisky is favored and A LOT of people think they're going to roll Nebby, but I'm not so sure. The Badgers offense looks to be very exsplosive, with their RB's and Rusellmania. But their D is not good. Nebby is one dimensional, but they do it well. I think they will run on Wisconsin and the Blackshirts Defense will come alive to prove they belong in the BIG. I think it will be much closer than oddsmakers think and I think Nebraska could very well pull it off. I'm not sure who I will root for, because I cannot stand either of these teams. What is everyone else's thoughts??
I agree it might turn out to be a close game. Wisconsin has played nobody up to this point and their defense isn't as good as it was last year.
But Nebraska has had its own struggles on defense including injuries to Crick and Dennard. The thing that killed Nebarska last year when the played good teams is the same thing that will probably kill them this year, they are so one dimensional on offense that if you can just stop the run they won't score many points because T.Mart still can't pass worth a darn.
It will be interesting to see which Wisconsin team show ups. They havent been tested this year and I thought for sure last year they were going to steamroll TCU and we all saw happened. If Wisconsin beats Nebraska by more than 10 or routs them I will go ahead and say they will be B10 champs.
Thing is Becky, playing Wisky is act ing like ISU playing the Hawks. Good god you would think it's super bowl weekend. If Wisky's fans are half as into this as Becky's, Becky will have no chance to change the play at the line.
Crick, David, and Dennard are all back playing together for the first time in this game. That's a legit player in the d-line, lb, and corner. That's their 3 best defensive players in each layer of their defense. if you can have that, you should be alright. I personally, think that Nebraska wants to show they belong in the BIG and will give Wisky all they want.

On a side note, I hope Wisconsin wins for Iowa's sake and give Nebraska a BIG loss. Either way the game turns out I will be happy. I guess that what happens when you have two teams that I personally cannot stand, play each other in BIG play.

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