Well-Known Member
Yea, take a trip to vegas.Let me tell you...I was in Honolulu for a meeting and went to a bar late...really late...and we were drinking and we start chatting up these beautiful girls...we are thinking we are making some progress when the question of money comes up...what? The point that these girls were smoking hot...and making a damn good living in the oldest profession in history. I really thought i was on my game too. Lastly...i'm a germaphobe, it ain't happening for me.
We stood in line for an hour to get into a club and this super hot shy sweet milf was in line in front of us, flirts, makes small talk, talks about her kids, asks us if she can sit with us inside until her friends arrive and then everyone drinks for an hour or so and then she takes a 0-5 opportunity to get one of us to say, what the hell and pay $500 for her services the rest of the night. Ive never felt so...embarrassed or sleezy to be propositioned. Ill stand firm in life that i dont need sex that bad lol She doesnt have anything that i havent seen before lol know what i mean.
If a girl smiles at you for no reason in Vegas as you are walking through a casino, you arent THAT cute, if you turn and look back she just got a nibble and she's gonna be on your heel in a secomd to try to reel you in....haha its still fun to be in vegas tho...
I suppose a man who struggles with talking to ladies might fall victim....i'm no purist , but paying for sex for money is never going to be me....i dont like to charge haha jk