ND Athletes arrested for underage drinking

I surprised at how many were busted (44). They must have had A LOT of cops there.
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Was surprised to see the comment from Kelly stating that IF any discipline would be issued it would be handled internally. I think some coaches may consider discipline is in order for an incident like this. Maybe after his investigation we'll see some suspensions, but maybe so many were involved it will just be easier to overlook it. Somehow I expect everyone to be in uniform and good to go against the Big Ten teams.
I hate articles like this. Seriously, the majority of college kids drink underage. I'm not saying they don't need to be punished, but it should be handled internally and they don't need to have to go through the embarrassment of having their names posted on ESPN.com. It just really annoys me.
I hate articles like this. Seriously, the majority of college kids drink underage. I'm not saying they don't need to be punished, but it should be handled internally and they don't need to have to go through the embarrassment of having their names posted on ESPN.com. It just really annoys me.

I don't disagree with you in principle, but notre dame has worked so hard to create an image of superiority (and that's all it is, an image) over the years that publicity will always follow hard on the heels of the missteps of their athlete-students.
They can't have it both ways, with the exclusive high-dollar NBC contract and the BCS sweetheart deal, and then expect the media and the public to turn a blind eye when their kids behave like every other college kid.
Just my two cents. They are just another university, with average kids, yet they expect special treatment. Uh-uh, sorry.
I hate articles like this. Seriously, the majority of college kids drink underage. I'm not saying they don't need to be punished, but it should be handled internally and they don't need to have to go through the embarrassment of having their names posted on ESPN.com. It just really annoys me.
While I agree that it is not necessarily a national story, the fact that Joe Montana's son is one of those arrested makes it a story to someone.