NCAA rules on the 8 suspended Miami players

Suspension run anywhere from 1 game to 6 games. Jacory Harris is one of the guys that will miss one game.

The NCAA should just not do anything anymore. There is so much evidence here that it would have been easy to throw the book at these guys. Not a chance though.

How does a BB player for ISU lose a whole season because his teammates were being paid, but guys actually taking illegal benefits lose less than 10% of their season?
I'm sorry but this is ******** and does nothing but encourage this behavior. If you knowingly take improper benefits you should ineligible to play college athletics. Period, End of Story. That's the only way you're going to curb this behavior.
So trading gear for tattoos is worse than receiving illegal benefits? At least the Ohio State players gave up something in order to receive benefits in return. The Miami players got hotel rooms, drinks, meals, transportation, "entertainment", and in some cases money and all they lose is 1-6 games?????

These punishments are a joke! stuff, orgies, booze, and only a 1 game suspension? Sounds like a bargain in my book. BRING ON THE WHORES!
Wonder who the next program to get off the "Death Penalty" will be? I just can't wait for a non-AQ team to get into trouble like this, so that the NCAA can show off their power and throw the book at them to prove a point and teach us all a lesson.

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