NCAA 11 Uploading data


Well-Known Member
Does anyone else have a problem uploading data? It always tells me uploading fail or uploading of stats failed. Your game will not count against your school. Something like that? Any ideas guys?

I'm running off a wireless internet. FYI

Thanks for the help.
I'm not sure what the SS standings and leader boards are but all my online game stats are saving.
Which system are you using?

And the SS (Season Showndown) standings and leaderboards compile the points for user tackles, sacks, sprotmanship, stratagey, etc.

I haven't played any games online yet, but the points you can gain in an offline dynasty and RTG count towards the SS points.
Which system are you using?

And the SS (Season Showndown) standings and leaderboards compile the points for user tackles, sacks, sprotmanship, stratagey, etc.

I haven't played any games online yet, but the points you can gain in an offline dynasty and RTG count towards the SS points.

PS3. I guess i don't really care about any of that SS stuff. it keeps your win/loss record though.