it does notmatter what we think of the opponent, it gives the players a chance to play in a game that is live action and counts
this also gives the coaches Game Film to break down and show players the mistake they are making and try to correct them, also if a player keeps making the same mistakes then it allows the coaches to cut a players minutes and increase the minutes of another player that is improving and not making mistakes
Iowa's rating was not that great last year either and to the people outside Iowa, we are currently looked at as a creampuff or lousy team as you are so worried about as far as the opposition
as the season moves forward the opponent will get tougher, and we can see how this team is progressing, also if we win by 45-60 i dont care, i would be more worried about a 5-10 point victory over a teams like Chicago State
so rather than p!ss and moan about the condition of the other team, lean back and enjoy the game
one more thing we may have 4 seniors but we are also a young team as we are relying on 3 sophamores and 3 freshmen to play a lot of minutes