national duals thoughts


Well-Known Member
the change is getting talked about a lot right now. Andy Hamilton had a good article about it today.

along with all the obvious problems in the change, I honestly think it will increase stalling at the individual tournament, thus hurting the product even more. without a team race I can see wrestlers accepting a decision and moving on a lot more. right now if a guy is up by 6 going into the third there is inncentive to put the hammer down and work for bonus points. without a team race why wouldn't guys coast out a third (stalling doesn't get called anyway) and move on.
possibly - a problem for wrestlers of 3 or 4 teams in contention. doubt that stalling becomes an epidemic though. kids from okst will always duck and dive at the edge of the mat. the 125 lber from psu was rewarded to the finals with his stall tactics. all that has nothing to do with a new ncaa idea for how the champ is decided.
If points were rewarded at the dual tournament and then carried over to the NCAA tournament, you wouldn't see much stalling at all.
If points were rewarded at the dual tournament and then carried over to the NCAA tournament, you wouldn't see much stalling at all.

I really hope this is what they do. to me that's the best idea because it puts more emphasis on National duals and force all the top teams to compete. but at the same time doesn't take the team race aspect away from the individual tournament. I actually think that would be an improvement from the current system.
Without any carry over from the dual tournament, I can see the individual tournament going the way of the olympics, in that score once and survive.
How would points be distributed? I have a couple ideas. During a dual match at the national duals give the individual winner of each weight the same points you would give him in nationals depending on the win he had. Decision,major,techfall,pin. Or, whoever wins the dual championship then give them 16 points, runnerup 12 points, and so on. Just my ideas. I emailed He is one of the so called, "important people involved in this. Anyone else have ideas?
Because the thought of combining never entered their mind?

I don't believe combining is even in the discussion. I would not understand how that would work anyway.

I do think a Dual Champion, and a Team Champion based on the current system can exist separately at the same time. It would actually make the sport better!
There already is a dual champion and a team champion. You don't understand how awarding points would work?
Thinking positive about this after coach B votes no is hard because we still know it dont mean much. The NCAA's not keeping team scores sounds lame and wont happen there is to much publication. There has to be a team champion at nats no way are those tickets worth near the money without the tech falls or pins.
500 double legs

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