My thoughts on Sash & McNutt filing NFL paperwork

I can't remember the date (usually end of January I think) but players have until then to decide and if they decide to declare themselves eligible they are no longer eligible to play college football. If you remember a few years a go when Clarrett (OSU) and Mike Williams(USC) tried to enter the NFL draft after their freshman seasons (against NFL rules which were upheld by the courts) they were still not allowed to play in college even though they couldn't be drafted. Also, I'm pretty sure the advisory board gives them a range of where they can expect to be drafted (top 10, first round, 2-3 round, 4-6 round, 7-undrafted)

Sash isn't quite in the same situation. Clark was a 1st rounder so he had a lot to lose coming back. Sash isn't at that level and won't be regardless of what he does.
Good point. I agree that he is not an early draft pick, but even if he's a 4th rounder, his stock won't raise after his senior year, and he will have to break in a new defensive line next year, if he stays. Iowa's had some pro-safetys that have done well in the league, so I think he could make a team and contribute next year. Of course I would rather see him stay, but If I were him, I wouldn't be looking forward to breaking in an entirely new D-line.
Both are not ready for NFL and another year would be good for both. Not sure Sash is good enough at coverage at NFL level and McNutt is not a jump of the page guy he is good still needs work for sure.
I think both come back because I cant see either being projected in top 3 rounds. I think both will be back next year.

Some have stated Sash's age may be a factor. Not sure how old he is but dont think another year in college is going to hurt or help him.
It will not be an entirely new DL and it is not like this year's DL played as overwhelmingly as we expected.
Sash seems to be in a similar position that Dallas Clark was after his junior year. I don't know what more Sash has to accomplish on the college level, and Marvin McNutt just keeps getting better.

I don't see that analogy at all. What more could Sash "accomplish at the college level"? Aside from a Big Ten title, win the Thorpe award and break Nile Kinnick's record for int's I really can't think of anything.
If McNutt spends his senior year improving his explosiveness (vertical leap and 40 yard time), his route running, as well as his blocking, you could be talking about jumping two rounds and millions of dollars in terms of his draft potential. I think he has a lot to gain by coming back.

Sash I could see going either way. I'd guess he's probably going to be a 4-6 round draft pick either way. Not really a compelling reason to go pro, but I wouldn't blame him if he did. Be nice to have that degree if you somehow go undrafted, though.

Wow, obvious post of the day. You basically just said if McNutt got better at everything, he would get drafted higher next year. Yeah, I think so too.
I can't remember the date (usually end of January I think) but players have until then to decide and if they decide to declare themselves eligible they are no longer eligible to play college football. If you remember a few years a go when Clarrett (OSU) and Mike Williams(USC) tried to enter the NFL draft after their freshman seasons (against NFL rules which were upheld by the courts) they were still not allowed to play in college even though they couldn't be drafted. Also, I'm pretty sure the advisory board gives them a range of where they can expect to be drafted (top 10, first round, 2-3 round, 4-6 round, 7-undrafted)

Sash isn't quite in the same situation. Clark was a 1st rounder so he had a lot to lose coming back. Sash isn't at that level and won't be regardless of what he does.

Just to clarify the Clarett/Williams situations. Clarett was ineligible for his sophomore year because of the improper benefits case, and he sued to gain entrance to the NFL. While Clarett was in court, Williams was absolutely dominating college football. When Clarett won his suit, Williams declared and hired an agent (that was the big snag to coming back to college). When the ruling was reversed, he was stuck in no-man's land (this ranks right up there with the Jeremy Bloom case for being utterly ridiculous in the unfairness department).

You guys that are critical of Sash make me smile. He does miss some tackles, but he is there to miss every tackle. It is so rare to see him out of position, that I only have 3 notes on it this season. Sash is a physical player, reads the play very well and has the speed to play the position well in the NFL. This is not a strong safety class, and he would be among the top 4 drafted at the position. That translates to roughly 2nd to 3rd round this season, which is where most top safeties are drafted.
McNutt will probably throw up better numbers in the combine than many here expect. But I agree that he should come back just to miss this class of receivers. There are too many guys with more film at his size. But he has pretty excellent acceleration, and runs routes well. He definitely has some things to clean up, but I expect him to approach a few single season records next season if he can stay injury free (Vandenberg needs to be injury free also) and tighten up his hands.

Sash is definitely always in position to make the play. So was Bob Sanders. Except Sanders RARELY missed a tackle. Now maybe I'm wrong, but I remember Sash being a surer tackler before this year. As Sanders has proven, you can wrap a guy up and still bring the hammer down on a ballcarrier. As soon as Sash starts doing that again, he'll stand out even more.
AC is high because he's a specimen. Opponents double-teamed him, held him, and took him out of the plays too often this year to allow him the opportunity to do what he's capable of doing. There's a reason why there are so many great NFL players who you'd never heard of unless you watched them in your backyard...
I don't have a problem with these guys (Prater included; mentioned in another thread) filing their paperwork. Instead of making an ill-advised decision, they get the opportunity to hear from those "in the know" first-hand that they aren't projecting to be high picks in the draft. If they still declare after that, they are either not as intelligent as I give them credit for OR they have a family situation that dictates they try to maximize their earning potential while they can as quickly as they can.
I agree I think it's fine to inquire who knows they may be surprised. Having said that at WR McNutt has got alot of competition from guys that have played that position all their lives. He would definitely benefit from staying another year.

Sash...well he seemed invinceable last year and this year there were numerous times where he took a bad angle on run support and lost outside contain. Also, how many times did we see Sash and Greenwood get beat deep late in a game...NW, Indiana, Ohio State, Wisconsin.....Arizona....gee almost every week.

Prater's just dreaming. He must think that moustache makes him look like a higher draft pick or something.
I don't have a problem with these guys (Prater included; mentioned in another thread) filing their paperwork. Instead of making an ill-advised decision, they get the opportunity to hear from those "in the know" first-hand that they aren't projecting to be high picks in the draft. If they still declare after that, they are either not as intelligent as I give them credit for OR they have a family situation that dictates they try to maximize their earning potential while they can as quickly as they can.

McNutt may be smarter to go out this year. Depending on the lockout status, the number of early entries could take a very big hit. If that happens, McNutt might be better suited to leave now. If A.J. Green, Julio Jones, Justin Blackmon, etc. all leave this year (along with about 8 other 3rd round or better prospects in the underclassmen ranks), then he should stay. But if those guys stay in school, he doesn't stand to gain much by staying. He would improve himself as a player, but he wouldn't pass many of those guys on draft boards.
He's not going to pass any of those guys on the draft board and you forgot the guys at South Carolina who are better than McNutt at this point.
He's not going to pass any of those guys on the draft board and you forgot the guys at South Carolina who are better than McNutt at this point.

Like I said, there are probably at least 8 other players besides Jones, Green, and Blackmon who could declare this year. If those guys stay in school, McNutt might be better served to leave now, because he won't pass them even with another year under his belt. This group of receivers might be the best the nation has seen in a LONG time. But it's mostly the underclassmen. The senior class isn't really all that strong.
Prater is a very good CB and will test well also. So many corners are taken in the first three rounds (19 on average last four drafts) that Prater would likely fall into that group. He is also one of the stronger tackling corners in this draft or the next one.

We will all have to disagree on Sash but right now I would project him no lower than 4th and most likely higher. He also gets very little from coming back- his position is not drafted that highly normally and he is likely top 4 in this draft at either safety spot.
I would be very surprised if either Sash or McNutt are not back in an Iowa uniform next season. They could both use the extra year, especially McNutt. McNutt could potentially have a very big season since he will be the top dog in our offense.

Sash had a good season but it was not as good as last year. I don't think either one, at this time, would go very high.
Forget the numbers when it comes to Sash. The scouts don't care about the fact that he had fewer interceptions. Clayborn had fewer sacks (a lot fewer), and is still projected to go higher than he was a year ago. Nobody in their right mind was going to chuck balls deep over the middle with Sash out there, and rightfully so. He made his mark in other ways, namely by being an enforcer in the running game. So, his INT's were down, but he wasn't an invisible player in the eyes of NFL scouts and front offices. He also demonstrated his playmaking ability with the pick and pitch (Anybody else notice Ed Reed try to do the same thing a couple weeks after Sash did it? It wasn't there for him, so he kept ahold of the ball. But Reed is the ULTIMATE playmaker, and Sash has some of that knack as well, that "it" factor, as well as talent and smarts.).

All that said, I hope to see Sash, McNutt, and Prater all back in the Black and Gold next year.
It's refreshing to know our fanbase contains a plethora of Todd McShay and Mel Kiper wannabees. Predicting the NFL draft is borderline impossible for even the advanced football fan, but perhaps one of our 'draft analysts' will humor me on their criteria used when saying Sash is a 4th-6th rounder, or Sash is a 3rd rounder, or McNutt needs another year, etc. To make statements like that I would assume that our 'draft analysts' atleast did homework on most safetys or wide receivers that are draft material, and not just shoot off baseless comments that don't support the claims.

Furthermore, to all that say both need another year to refine skills is false. Both players have seen ample amount of playing time through their career that an extra year won't help them significantly. It'd may be correct to say they should stay another year if the draft class at their position is deep, but only one or two of twenty or so posters can lay claim to making that case.
It's refreshing to know our fanbase contains a plethora of Todd McShay and Mel Kiper wannabees. Predicting the NFL draft is borderline impossible for even the advanced football fan, but perhaps one of our 'draft analysts' will humor me on their criteria used when saying Sash is a 4th-6th rounder, or Sash is a 3rd rounder, or McNutt needs another year, etc. To make statements like that I would assume that our 'draft analysts' atleast did homework on most safetys or wide receivers that are draft material, and not just shoot off baseless comments that don't support the claims.

Furthermore, to all that say both need another year to refine skills is false. Both players have seen ample amount of playing time through their career that an extra year won't help them significantly. It'd may be correct to say they should stay another year if the draft class at their position is deep, but only one or two of twenty or so posters can lay claim to making that case.

McNutt has been playing WR for 3 years. To say that he wouldn't benefit/develop significantly with another year of coaching is pretty silly.

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