My free advice to Gary Barta on how to handle public relations:


Well-Known Member
If this costs Barta his job, it better cost Fran a hell of a lot, too. No WAY this doesn't involve Fran and Margie.

Not sure I agree. Barta is his boss (officially). If Barta allowed Fran to push him around or didn't better manage a rift between Fran and Dolph it's on Barta. He's ultimately responsible for managing his coaches and for their conduct.

Now, if Barta were to go, Fran would be on a shorter leash. The new AD would have nothing invested in him. Fran wouldn't be "his guy".
Not sure I agree. Barta is his boss (officially). If Barta allowed Fran to push him around or didn't better manage a rift between Fran and Dolph it's on Barta. He's ultimately responsible for managing his coaches and for their conduct.

Now, if Barta were to go, Fran would be on a shorter leash. The new AD would have nothing invested in him. Fran wouldn't be "his guy".

Then if I must be satisfied with that, I shall.
Can you share where/who you're hearing the rumor? Really hoping you're right!

If a $6.5 million discrimination lawsuit triggered by Barta's mishandling of a situation did not get him fired then nothing sports-related will. The only thing that will push Barta out is donors putting their checkbooks and wallets away. There have been plenty of reasons for fans to do that in the 13 years GB has been here but they haven't yet.

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