My favorite part of the Greg Davis presser

I really liked that portion of the presser as well. I don't think KF wants to lose, but I do think his definition of "best player available" is different than how we see it. In his mind, the best guy for the job is the guy who's mastered the system. But from the way the presser sounded, we may start bending the system so that other players can get involved.

For example: Instead of getting mostly special teams duty last year because his in-tight blocking wasn't up to snuff, perhaps CJF would have been used a little in the slot to create mismatches without highlighting his shortcomings as a blocker. Not all the time, just a new wrinkle. That's the sort of thing I imagine when I heard Davis say the bit about adapting to what we have.

i'm guessing cjf had a lot of issues - he has admitted many of those in interviews - put a little faith in the coaches we've had - ultimately KF is still running the show, and based on what i've seen he's done ok with his charge...if a guy isn't giving the effort in practice - thinks because of his stars he's just going to 'arrive', i doubt a different 'system' will effect that outcome.
i'm guessing cjf had a lot of issues - he has admitted many of those in interviews - put a little faith in the coaches we've had - ultimately KF is still running the show, and based on what i've seen he's done ok with his charge...if a guy isn't giving the effort in practice - thinks because of his stars he's just going to 'arrive', i doubt a different 'system' will effect that outcome.

I think the fact he went outside of the program entirely (Davis doesn't have any ties to the program at all) may be a sign that perhaps he's willing to loosen the reins a little bit. I'm not expecting us to go to the spread at any point. But I think he might be giving Davis more room to operate and put his own mark on the way we do things.

And CJF was just a hypothetical example. There have been others (many of whom have already been mentioned), players who could have at least garnered a particular personnel package (Wildcat-type stuff, etc.). Things like that could help our offense tremendously, just by making us less predictable.
so you think ferentz plays guys that put the team in the best position to lose? I've now heard it all.
Obviously. And Bill Belichik was wanting to lose when he was playing Bledsoe over Brady. He only got bailed out from injury.

I was thinking of this example as well. better players getting stuck on the sidelines is something that happens all the time. if lance harbor wouldn't have broken his leg mox wouldn't have ever sniffed the field
These were my favorite parts:

“Our definition of balance is being able to win the game either way [run or pass],” Davis said. “It’s not that you run 35 and you throw 35; it’s that you can win the game. Whatever that day dictates, you’ll be able to win the game.”

“Based on where we are going with the playbook, there will be a lot of change,” Davis said. “There will be a lot of different things that you will see.

“At the same time, I don’t want to imply, I don’t want the fans to come out and think we are going to be four or five wides [wide receivers]. That’s not going to happen. So, we are just trying to take the best of both worlds, put it together and come up with something that is ours.”

"Hopefully we’ll be able to kind of merge. From the very first time Kirk and I started talking, it was about blending philosophy, about blending the way we call things, and creating something that was 2012. That’s what we are trying to do."
I was thinking of this example as well. better players getting stuck on the sidelines is something that happens all the time. if lance harbor wouldn't have broken his leg mox wouldn't have ever sniffed the field

sedrick shaw made tavian banks a one year wonder, basically. did banks play some as a junior? sure. but case-in-point.

i think the coaching staff has a pretty good grip on their personnel.
I really liked that portion of the presser as well. I don't think KF wants to lose, but I do think his definition of "best player available" is different than how we see it. In his mind, the best guy for the job is the guy who's mastered the system. But from the way the presser sounded, we may start bending the system so that other players can get involved.

For example: Instead of getting mostly special teams duty last year because his in-tight blocking wasn't up to snuff, perhaps CJF would have been used a little in the slot to create mismatches without highlighting his shortcomings as a blocker. Not all the time, just a new wrinkle. That's the sort of thing I imagine when I heard Davis say the bit about adapting to what we have.

I actually think your point about CJF is a great one. Ferentz does sometimes seem to be cramming a square peg in a round hole. I loved the part where Davis said if you have young talented players, maybe you need to simplify your plan to get them involved. It's counter to what Ferentz has done over the years (IMO).
CJF in the slot to create mismatches might be the dumbest thing I've heard on here for a while.
CJF in the slot to create mismatches might be the dumbest thing I've heard on here for a while.

You're right. Putting a guy who's 6'5" 250 and runs a 4.5 in the slot is such a bad idea. No wonder Dallas Clark, Rob Gronkowski, Aaron Hernandez, or Vernon Davis can't hack it in the NFL.

Guys like that are matchup nightmares. Too big for defensive backs, and too fast for linebackers.
I was thinking of this example as well. better players getting stuck on the sidelines is something that happens all the time. if lance harbor wouldn't have broken his leg mox wouldn't have ever sniffed the field
sedrick shaw made tavian banks a one year wonder, basically. did banks play some as a junior? sure. but case-in-point.i think the coaching staff has a pretty good grip on their personnel.

I'm not sure if he has a pretty good grip, a pretty bad one, or is terrible at it. its hard to tell how he compares to other teams because I don't follow them as close. the only thing i know is there are a lot of examples over the years of him having the wrong player on the field for to long. there is no way a coach can get it right every time so I don't fault him for it, and like I said I have no idea how our staff compares to other teams.
You're right. Putting a guy who's 6'5" 250 and runs a 4.5 in the slot is such a bad idea. No wonder Dallas Clark, Rob Gronkowski, Aaron Hernandez, or Vernon Davis can't hack it in the NFL.

Guys like that are matchup nightmares. Too big for defensive backs, and too fast for linebackers.

Here is a clue for you, if he was such a threat as you've mentioned, he'd be right where we've utilized talented guys like that Tight End.

Dallas Clark, Tony Moeaki...heck, even Brandon Meyers was effective there.

If CJF was able to create mismatches he would have been doing it. Hopefully this season he grows into that.
Here is a clue for you, if he was such a threat as you've mentioned, he'd be right where we've utilized talented guys like that Tight End.

Dallas Clark, Tony Moeaki...heck, even Brandon Meyers was effective there.

If CJF was able to create mismatches he would have been doing it. Hopefully this season he grows into that.

His blocking wasn't up to snuff. And if you couldn't block, you wouldn't play over the past 13 years. Those guys you just listed? They could all block when they were making their contributions.

I never said make him a wide receiver exclusively. But we could have possibly put in a particular package to get him involved even though he couldn't block well enough to play in tight consistently.
You're right. Putting a guy who's 6'5" 250 and runs a 4.5 in the slot is such a bad idea. No wonder Dallas Clark, Rob Gronkowski, Aaron Hernandez, or Vernon Davis can't hack it in the NFL.Guys like that are matchup nightmares. Too big for defensive backs, and too fast for linebackers.
Here is a clue for you, if he was such a threat as you've mentioned, he'd be right where we've utilized talented guys like that Tight End.Dallas Clark, Tony Moeaki...heck, even Brandon Meyers was effective there.If CJF was able to create mismatches he would have been doing it. Hopefully this season he grows into that.

CJF couldn't show us how effective he was in the slot because he couldn't get on the field because of his blocking. imagine if Moeaki was a below average blocker and we never got to see how dangerous he could be in the passing game because of it. what people are saying is that some players might be extremely talented in one area and not see the field because they struggle in another area. people are hoping that those days are over
Here is a clue for you, if he was such a threat as you've mentioned, he'd be right where we've utilized talented guys like that Tight End.Dallas Clark, Tony Moeaki...heck, even Brandon Meyers was effective there.If CJF was able to create mismatches he would have been doing it. Hopefully this season he grows into that.
His blocking wasn't up to snuff. And if you couldn't block, you wouldn't play over the past 13 years. Those guys you just listed? They could all block when they were making their contributions.I never said make him a wide receiver exclusively. But we could have possibly put in a particular package to get him involved even though he couldn't block well enough to play in tight consistently.

yea what u said
His blocking wasn't up to snuff.

Yet, he was in there at TE all season long...right. Same was said of Dallas Clark, btw, but because he was an actual threat...he played. CJF isn't a threat as a receiver/playmaker. That's the flaw.
Now, don't overreact to that other poster's statement. Ferentz plays more seniors on offense because they won't make as many mistakes. Ferentz doesn't want mistakes on offense.

plenty of seniors on the bench too.

how many juniors/seniors were playing on iowa's best teams? plenty. probably a majority.. there is a reason seniors play over other players and generally it is because they are better, stronger, faster, etc. and not just because 'they are a senior'.
one other thing that is funny about this thread. the same people that complain about iowa's offense being to vanilla, too simple, too predictable now attacking it for being too complex......

like i said previously - when you think you've heard it all, just log into
CJF in the slot to create mismatches might be the dumbest thing I've heard on here for a while.
You're right. Putting a guy who's 6'5" 250 and runs a 4.5 in the slot is such a bad idea. No wonder Dallas Clark, Rob Gronkowski, Aaron Hernandez, or Vernon Davis can't hack it in the NFL.Guys like that are matchup nightmares. Too big for defensive backs, and too fast for linebackers.
I agree with tm here except he is 6'7 270 so that proves the point even further.
I agree with tm here except he is 6'7 270 so that proves the point even further.

It proves that neither one of you know what you're talking about and falling back on measurables just underscores it. And I guarantee you he doesn't run a 4.5, either. It doesn't matter, if they guy were able to make plays and be a threat last year he would have been utilized more out of the TE position, period. Moving him to slot doesn't make a damn bit of difference.

CJ started developing more toward the end of the year. Hopefully that improvement continues just like his blocking will, as did Dallas Clark's blocking, and he'll be a threat as a TE. Moving him to slot make zero sense in our offense.
CJF in the slot to create mismatches might be the dumbest thing I've heard on here for a while.
Explain to all of us your view as to why you think this would be dumb? Quite frankly you are looking like the idiot right now.