My apologies


I am a Missouri Tiger fan.

I joined today to specifically express my apologies and condolences to Iowa Hawkeye fans everywhere.

I am soooooo sorry you folks will soon (if you haven't already) be subjected to the most obnoxious fans on earth -- no the universe -- the nubbin heads of nubrASSka.

When they get too bad just remember in their minds N is for knowledge.

Good luck to you with this bunch of paranoid simpletons. They have an enormous inferiority complex and they will inundate your boards with their constant quest for validation of their state and their program.

They yearn for your approval and, when you don't give it to them, they will play the history and tradition card.

I am so sorry. Go Hawkeyes. May the nubs always finish 13th in the Big 10.
I am a Missouri Tiger fan.

I joined today to specifically express my apologies and condolences to Iowa Hawkeye fans everywhere.

I am soooooo sorry you folks will soon (if you haven't already) be subjected to the most obnoxious fans on earth -- no the universe -- the nubbin heads of nubrASSka.

When they get too bad just remember in their minds N is for knowledge.

Good luck to you with this bunch of paranoid simpletons. They have an enormous inferiority complex and they will inundate your boards with their constant quest for validation of their state and their program.

They yearn for your approval and, when you don't give it to them, they will play the history and tradition card.

I am so sorry. Go Hawkeyes. May the nubs always finish 13th in the Big 10.

Not sure why you needed to post this and i probably shouldn't feed the troll, but I have a lot more respect for Nebraska than I do Mizzou. At least Nebraska lives up to the agreements they sign, unlike Missouri. Unless you didn't know, folks are generally excited to welcome Nebraska to the Big 10, they bring a lot to the table and were invited to the big 10 over the likes of Mizzou and others for a reason.
Not sure why you needed to post this and i probably shouldn't feed the troll, but I have a lot more respect for Nebraska than I do Mizzou. At least Nebraska lives up to the agreements they sign, unlike Missouri. Unless you didn't know, folks are generally excited to welcome Nebraska to the Big 10, they bring a lot to the table and were invited to the big 10 over the likes of Mizzou and others for a reason.

I agree with everything you said except the last sentence about Nebraska being invited to join. Technically they were invited to apply.
I am a Missouri Tiger fan.

I joined today to specifically express my apologies and condolences to Iowa Hawkeye fans everywhere.

I am soooooo sorry you folks will soon (if you haven't already) be subjected to the most obnoxious fans on earth -- no the universe -- the nubbin heads of nubrASSka.

When they get too bad just remember in their minds N is for knowledge.

Good luck to you with this bunch of paranoid simpletons. They have an enormous inferiority complex and they will inundate your boards with their constant quest for validation of their state and their program.

They yearn for your approval and, when you don't give it to them, they will play the history and tradition card.

I am so sorry. Go Hawkeyes. May the nubs always finish 13th in the Big 10.

Thanks for your heartwarming welcome to your board.

Feel however you want about the games that were canceled. Mizzou fans would have loved playing you guys but I don't schedule them nor do I cancel them so I won't take that personally. Although, I'm sure at some point you guys have canceled a game too.

I just wanted to give you fair warning. Obviously they haven't made it here in droves yet. When they do let's see how much respect you have for them.

Again, thanks for the warm welcome.
I am a Missouri Tiger fan.

I joined today to specifically express my apologies and condolences to Iowa Hawkeye fans everywhere.

I am soooooo sorry you folks will soon (if you haven't already) be subjected to the most obnoxious fans on earth -- no the universe -- the nubbin heads of nubrASSka.

When they get too bad just remember in their minds N is for knowledge.

Good luck to you with this bunch of paranoid simpletons. They have an enormous inferiority complex and they will inundate your boards with their constant quest for validation of their state and their program.

They yearn for your approval and, when you don't give it to them, they will play the history and tradition card.

I am so sorry. Go Hawkeyes. May the nubs always finish 13th in the Big 10.

[ame=]YouTube - A Cornhusker Fan gives His Take on Big 10 Expansion (6 13 2010) -- WHO2.flv[/ame]
Dear Art,

Please ask the Mizzou pus...., er, Tigers, why they backed out of playing Iowa a few years back.


Hawkeye Nation

Thanks. I hear you loud and clear. Actually until last week, NU hasn't beat a team that has finished the season ranked since 2001. But that has never stopped them from thinking they could beat every team in the country, including Iowa.
Dear Art,

Please ask the Mizzou pus...., er, Tigers, why they backed out of playing Iowa a few years back.


Hawkeye Nation

Dear racer,

Do you know how to read?


Hawkeye nation

Thanks for your heartwarming welcome to your board.

Feel however you want about the games that were canceled. Mizzou fans would have loved playing you guys but I don't schedule them nor do I cancel them so I won't take that personally. Although, I'm sure at some point you guys have canceled a game too.

I just wanted to give you fair warning. Obviously they haven't made it here in droves yet. When they do let's see how much respect you have for them.

Again, thanks for the warm welcome.
Dear racer,

Do you know how to read?


Hawkeye nation

Sorry for the duplicative post. I was typing while I had a cable repair guy at my house. I do believe I'm literate, although my command of the internets, and the incredible humor that you possess, seem to be a bit beyond my grasp. Thanks for keeping me in check, db.
Looks like quite a few of you are totally clueless. Art just came in to tell some truth. Get ready to deal with a bunch of red-wearing ******** who think they are better than you. BTW, Pinkel is to blame for the scheduling backout; and it was a dumb move, because the Hawks turned out to be a little down those years if I recall correctly.
Give me.Nebraska fans over the majority of Mizzou fans i have experienced. And living in kc as long as i did it was plenty
Give me.Nebraska fans over the majority of Mizzou fans i have experienced. And living in kc as long as i did it was plenty

Agree 1,000 percent. If Nebraska is arrogant, at least they've got reason to be. With Missouri, I've never been around a fanbase as delusional and obnoxious as they are, with little reason to be.

They play a crap nonconference schedule, had marginal success in two of the weakest (top to bottom) years of the Big 12's existence, can only sell out their stadium for the 1 or 2 best games every season without big ticket discounts (despite having 2 major metro areas to draw from within 100 miles), and yet many (most?) Mizzou fans think they are suddenly a perennial national powerhouse.
Nebraska thinks they are everything that is almighty. My friend is student teaching in an Omaha middle school and the school pretty much mandates that the students and teachers wear red on Friday's to support the football team. I know Nebraska is the only D1 football team in the state but to mandate it for middle school kids? That's ridiculous.

My buddy proudly wears an Iowa T-shirt and the principal said to him in a straight face, looks like you don't want a job here. what a joke!
Having lived in Columbia for years, I easily will welcome Nebraska into the Big Ten, not only is it a much more worthy opponent, the fans are much nicer, more informed too.

Add to it, that Iowa stopped playing Mizzou in the early 1910s because of their blantant racism, and then when they had a chance to compete again, they bail.

Plus, how can any Mizzou fan throw any crap at Nebraska, it wasnt the Cornhuskers that allowed a player to die at the football complex when help was across the street. The kid laid there for hours(3 was it?) and the University Hospital is across the street (staffed with paramedics/EMTs) from the workout complex, so, why wasnt the call made to save this kids life? Sad.
Nebraska thinks they are everything that is almighty. My friend is student teaching in an Omaha middle school and the school pretty much mandates that the students and teachers wear red on Friday's to support the football team. I know Nebraska is the only D1 football team in the state but to mandate it for middle school kids? That's ridiculous.

My buddy proudly wears an Iowa T-shirt and the principal said to him in a straight face, looks like you don't want a job here. what a joke!

Chinahawk, my sister is a teacher at an elementary school in Omaha, and yes, Friday's are called Spirit Day. They are to wear red too!
However, my sister wears her Black Orange Bowl Champs shirt, black and yellow shoes and Tigerhawk earrings. Her principal said that he loves it how it got all of the other teachers talking!
A few other teachers are Iowa fans too and now they wear their Iowa gear, as they never tested the waters to wear their Iowa apparel. She even has a few students that wear their Hawkeye gear now too, since my sister told their parents that it was ok.
Gonna be a fun rivalry, as my sister has seen it pick up in Omaha and started a lil' HawkeyeNation in her school!
All I need to know about Missouri is the fact that they backed out of playing Iowa, and they openly begged to join the Big Ten over the summer.

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