My 2 cents on end of game

Seriously...was the line really 11? if so, someone needs to investigate this. You have to watch Jones at the end of the game. He was worried that the last basket was good. I remember thinking, what a tool, and it was just flat out odd. He makes a motion like "it counts and fist pumps". It was weird. Dude bet on this game.

According to Yahoo it was 11 points, I noticed it before the game started and immediately thought of it when that last play occurred.
come on guys, take your black and gold lenses off. Fran is a hot head. If he wasn't coaching Iowa you'd hate him.

So what?
Not like he was spitting at the crowd or flipping off the crowd or partying with the opposing team's fans after the game..
He should have shook hands with the big dork Coach from North Dakota..and while he was shaking hands he should have said F-you.
On PTI this evening Tony Kornheiser and Michael Wilbon absolutely ripped Fran. About this and about his entire way he presents himself. Scathing.

Not too worry. Those two are part of the lunatic fringe at ESPN. You know, the network that celebrated C. Jenner as their most courageous athlete. I avoid that network when Iowa is not a part of the programming.
What keeps being left unmentioned, is that after the holding of JoBo and the flop by UND, Brian Jones kept screaming "that's BS, that's BS!!" like JoBo punched his player out or something.

Then after their dooshy play at the end where they grabbed the ball from Baer, Jones was waving his arms signaling the shot good and celebrating the play.

Also, Horner, yelled at Fran, "I teach my guys to play to the end!"

It was non-stop bush league play from UND for the last minute or so and I don't blame Fran one damned bit for not shaking their hands. If fact, he probable avoided a very volatile situation getting completely out of hand. He handled it exactly right.

And this morning he's still handling it the right way by apologizing. UND should be the ones apologizing and they look as D-league as they did last night for not doing so.

What he said... times 10. Jones was a huge douche bag and, sadly, so was Horner.
Where do I start. Well I've watched lots and lots of basketball games. I go back to the late 80s with Marble, Armstrong etc as to when I first got into hoops. Many of you go further back than that. Fran has been a part of many many games. I don't think this game was the chippiest one I've ever seen. Did it have it's moments towards the end sure. But I've seen way worse where everyone still went through the handshake line. When it comes to what happened at the very end I just don't see the big deal. So what? I don't think one should get upset at kids playing the whole game. I just don't. Baer could have protected the ball better or passed it too. The reason that kid went at it was because Baer was being lackadaisical with it and not paying attention. You can clearly see how the other kid was away from him but when he saw he had an opening that's when he went at it.

But that alone shouldn't have been the tipping point reason to not go through the line. Now I know they were fouling hard and doing some cheap things here and there on Jordan and Jok. Not to mention their kid flopped like Vlade Divac. No way Jordan with his left hand could shove that kid down like that. He probably had 15-20 lbs on him. That said Jordan shouldn't have done that either. Fran was smart to take Jok out after his last two free throws if he felt that something could escalate. The game was over like he said. One thing I don't know is what all was being said. If there was a lot of smack talk going on or not. That could have escalated things too.

All that being said to me the hand shake like is the perfect place for Fran to tell Jones what he thought of it all. There's no better place then that face to face. I'm not for coaches talking to other teams kids like coach K seems to think he's entitled to do so I wouldn't have been for Fran to go talk to their kid. But certainly he could have talked to Jones about it to smooth things out right then and there. Talking about it in the press conference does nothing and we all know how growly Fran can be at those and he was. Fran said he don't think Jones and his staff teaches that stuff. I think a quick convo in the handshake like would have deescalated things right there.

I think Fran was more upset that it was still a game at the end. It should have been a 20 pt win. If Iowa makes half the free throws they missed and didn't turn it over so sloppily as many times as they did they'd have had 10-14 more pts easy. Instead the last 2 or 3 mins Iowa had to play out with starters out there.

You watch a lot of basketball and you think Baer should have been holding the ball better?

Even if he had handed the ball to the other team they shouldn't have tried to score.
Handshakes is for show !
You watch a lot of basketball and you think Baer should have been holding the ball better?

Even if he had handed the ball to the other team they shouldn't have tried to score.
Your arguing two different things. Yes I'm saying if Baer would have been paying attention and not holding the ball out in front of himself like he was that defender never would have even attempted to go at it. Watch it again. The defender notices that Baer wasn't looking his way and had the ball in front of him dangling like a carrot. If Baer would have been more alert and pivoted away from him and held the ball like a football the defender never would have messed with trying for it. Or if he would have he'd have fouled him or tied him up. But not taken it away like he did...
So if those things happen then they COULD NOT HAVE tried to even score at the end making that part of it all irrelevant...
Your arguing two different things. Yes I'm saying if Baer would have been paying attention and not holding the ball out in front of himself like he was that defender never would have even attempted to go at it. Watch it again. The defender notices that Baer wasn't looking his way and had the ball in front of him dangling like a carrot. If Baer would have been more alert and pivoted away from him and held the ball like a football the defender never would have messed with trying for it. Or if he would have he'd have fouled him or tied him up. But not taken it away like he did...
So if those things happen then they COULD NOT HAVE tried to even score at the end making that part of it all irrelevant...
The "she was asking for it by wearing a short skirt and low-cut top" argument? Gee, you're right. Why do these poor guys with no self control always get a negative pall cast over them?
Your arguing two different things. Yes I'm saying if Baer would have been paying attention and not holding the ball out in front of himself like he was that defender never would have even attempted to go at it. Watch it again. The defender notices that Baer wasn't looking his way and had the ball in front of him dangling like a carrot. If Baer would have been more alert and pivoted away from him and held the ball like a football the defender never would have messed with trying for it. Or if he would have he'd have fouled him or tied him up. But not taken it away like he did...
So if those things happen then they COULD NOT HAVE tried to even score at the end making that part of it all irrelevant...

You have proven my point with this reply. I understand how to hold a basketball. Baer does also.
Your arguing two different things. Yes I'm saying if Baer would have been paying attention and not holding the ball out in front of himself like he was that defender never would have even attempted to go at it. Watch it again. The defender notices that Baer wasn't looking his way and had the ball in front of him dangling like a carrot. If Baer would have been more alert and pivoted away from him and held the ball like a football the defender never would have messed with trying for it. Or if he would have he'd have fouled him or tied him up. But not taken it away like he did...
So if those things happen then they COULD NOT HAVE tried to even score at the end making that part of it all irrelevant...

It's not like he held the ball like that while only up one point. Your post makes it sound like his carelessness could have cost them.
The "she was asking for it by wearing a short skirt and low-cut top" argument? Gee, you're right. Why do these poor guys with no self control always get a negative pall cast over them?
Really? I really shouldn't be justifying your post with a response but I suppose it needs to be said. Why on earth are you trying to correlate something that happens on a basketball court to unwanted sexual advances?
It's not like he held the ball like that while only up one point. Your post makes it sound like his carelessness could have cost them.
Well I wasn't trying to make it sound that way. I'm well aware that if Iowa wasn't up 11 or whatever it was Baer would have acted different once he had the ball. The whole situation is what has to be taken into context for sure. I'm not upset at Baer as much as just pointing out the obvious.
Well I wasn't trying to make it sound that way. I'm well aware that if Iowa wasn't up 11 or whatever it was Baer would have acted different once he had the ball. The whole situation is what has to be taken into context for sure. I'm not upset at Baer as much as just pointing out the obvious.
Bet Baer doesnt do it again. We dont know what was said durinv the game. Could you imagine recrujtjng to Grand Forks? To be competit e they have to recrujt Jeff Horner types. Wish we had more. The sexual assaut comparison is stupid.
If you had any sense of humor at all, you would not have taken offense at the assault comment. I thought it was funny as hell.
If you had any sense of humor at all, you would not have taken offense at the assault comment. I thought it was funny as hell.
Consider me humorless then... It's not that I take offense to it as much as it has zero relevance and I'm sure others could be offended. I see it as something being thrown out there as a pointless jab to be in very poor taste. Simple as that.
Seriously...was the line really 11? if so, someone needs to investigate this. You have to watch Jones at the end of the game. He was worried that the last basket was good. I remember thinking, what a tool, and it was just flat out odd. He makes a motion like "it counts and fist pumps". It was weird. Dude bet on this game.

Did any of the media ask about this? Or if any of their fans have commented on it? Wonder if they have done this at the end of other games where the outcome is close to the betting line?