MSU thug problems

The announcers thought it was a simple foul, they saw his going for the ball. He was at least two feet from the ball, smashing him on the upper arms hard enough to break bone......

Announcers kept complaining about the call....
I like how lansing and detroit act like they are the hard workers of the country. Nope you had high paying jobs that you would constantly strike until you cost too much to employ. Now you are both thug towns that are ranked in the top 10 worst crime cities in the country. That side of the state sucks. #shootpeoplebecausewegotsnojobs

12 year olds in china terk der jerbs!
I dont remember the last game that Nix didnt get reviewed for a flagrant foul. Plain and simple Nix is trying to hurt other players on a regular basis.

Most overhyped player from the state of Michigan ever and one of the most talked about players in the Big Ten because people feel so good for him that he persevered and was able to tough it out in his career battling weight and maturity issues...what would you expect from a Doughboy?
Keith was flapping his games to start if you watch the entire clip. Nix responded by throwing a towel at him, classic MSU sports.

One comment, what shocks me the most about watching Nix is when he gets tired he doesn't fall flat on the court and flail around like an injured walrus, just saying.