Most painful hawkeye loss

Most painful that I've watched: Michigan 2005. OT, ended the home winning streak.

This one was bad, ended the home winning streak and all, it was rough. The 2002 Iowa State loss was not that bad (in my opinion) because we were not aware of how good that team was going to be.
The loss at OSU in 2009 was pretty painful for me. I was there and I think thats what made it so bad. I drove to Columbus and then down to Lexington and back for business on the Friday before the game. It was like 25 or 26 hours in a car in 3 days. The Sunday after was horrible.
Wisconsin 2010. Felt great to throttle MSU the following week but the season just felt different after losing to the Badgers. We as fans began to turn on one another and apparently the locker room began to unravel as well after that game.
I became a fan in 2001. So the worst loss that I can remember in my hawkeye life was 2007 vs. Western Michagan. Last game of the year and a terrible way to end the season.
Minnesota last year right before I had to move to Minnesota. That one was hard to swallow. Probably only painful because it was so recent.
87 Iowa-UNLV Elite 8 hoops game, and I can't think of anything that comes close.

I would say the NCAA tourney loss to Jacksonville on a last second put back in 1970. That team very well could have beaten UCLA for the national championship. Best Hawkeye BB team ever, IMO.

For football....the most painful loss was probably Northwestern in 2009. Had Stanzi not been hurt there was a good chance Iowa would have run the table.

The most disappointing football loss would have to be Western Michigan in 2007. I felt the team just quit....otherwise how do you lose to a directional school on Senior Day with a bowl bid on the line?