Played the day after the mass campus shooting. I mentioned this a while back. That campus shooting triggered a dark period for Iowa athletics. Four months later, Offensive Line coach John O'Hara suffered a fatal heart attack while on the football coaches annual cruise. Later that year on Thanksgiving Eve we lost Bill Stringer, husband of woman's basketball coach C Vivian. Two months after that was the Chris Street tragedy. All within fifteen months.
Bandit got a good piece of ass in that movie, and in real life for a while. Snowman's wife had her hair up in sticks and rollers and, according to Bandit, could reach radio stations as far away as Savannah.LOL. I see Burt Reynolds and Jerry Reed in this one. Bandit telling him about the run of beer they have to make and Jerry ain't happy.
I don't think Eddie would think this is iconicEddie, Eddie, Eddie, ole buddy boy. good thing this happened many years ago as he wouldnt get his job back now. Eddie is great on the radio.
Don't remember specifics, but was a very highly rated recruit IIRC. Seems like he came in with another highly rated recruit (Jeremy McKinney? Tom Knight?), but that was a long time ago and I may not be remembering correctly.Vernon Rollins, LB. His senior year some Cyclone player cheap shot him from behind and busted his knee up and ended his career at Iowa
Nile had some thick legs