Morehouse/Brown Tweeting Open Competition at QB


Well-Known Member
Per Rob Howe on the other site; he posted tweets from Marc Morehouse and Rick Brown that qb position IS open competition, became an open competition due to the "Nebraska result", no starter has been named and both qb's will play in first and second qtr's. Both guys apparently quoting GD.

This appears to be the same approach used between each bye week, this season. GD also reportedly said Tennessean article has no bearing on "open competiton."
Good if true, though such a shame to not truly let CJB get some snaps when the offense was stalling under Jake. Tough for CJ to just come right in and try to correct the offense while being cold (at Pitt he had halftime to warm up), it still could have given the team a spark to put us over such tough opponents like ISU, Maryland, and Nebraska....
Good if true, though such a shame to not truly let CJB get some snaps when the offense was stalling under Jake. Tough for CJ to just come right in and try to correct the offense while being cold (at Pitt he had halftime to warm up), it still could have given the team a spark to put us over such tough opponents like ISU, Maryland, and Nebraska....

I would argue that it was visually evident that CJ did give the offense a spark when he played (not including the 4 qb option plays against the Hoosiers.) To me, the offense had an extra tick of energy.
marcmorehouse ‏@marcmorehouse 2m2 minutes ago Rudock and Beathard will split series and then at halftime they'll decide if they want to continue or let one "take the second half and go."

marcmorehouse ‏@marcmorehouse 7m7 minutes ago
"They are both going to play, they are both going to play in the first quarter." -- Greg Davis

marcmorehouse ‏@marcmorehouse 18m18 minutes ago
Greg Davis didn't name a starter. Left that for Ferentz tomorrow morning. Said both QBs knew and knew how rotation will work in the game.

So the starter will be named tomorrow morning and it will be left solely up to KFer to make. We all know JR will get the nod to be the starter then.
I agree. The only time we showed life, besides the final rushed 5 minutes against Ball State...was when CJ had his one series.

Both offense and defense came alive against Pitt. Yes, Jake did well on his one drive for a TD (and had a pass dropped by Powell..forcing turnover), but we did NOTHING the rest of the first half, and the defense got gashed over and over.

CJ comes in, and the game turns around.

And the IU game was horrible. You throw CJ in there when momentum was clearly back in the opponents favor, and you have him run two option plays, and then a WR screen or flat pass that didn't work no matter WHO threw it this year. That was when I felt KF was just trolling CJ. It wasn't a fair competition (and apparently wasn't one at all until after the season).

The other series that CJ had, all he did was lead us to TD's at a better clip than Jake.
I agree. The only time we showed life, besides the final rushed 5 minutes against Ball State...was when CJ had his one series.

Both offense and defense came alive against Pitt. Yes, Jake did well on his one drive for a TD (and had a pass dropped by Powell..forcing turnover), but we did NOTHING the rest of the first half, and the defense got gashed over and over.

CJ comes in, and the game turns around.

And the IU game was horrible. You throw CJ in there when momentum was clearly back in the opponents favor, and you have him run two option plays, and then a WR screen or flat pass that didn't work no matter WHO threw it this year. That was when I felt KF was just trolling CJ. It wasn't a fair competition (and apparently wasn't one at all until after the season).

The other series that CJ had, all he did was lead us to TD's at a better clip than Jake.

did you stop watching after the first half in the Wisconsin game?
I say RIDICULOUS if true....STILL unwilling to turn over the keys to CJ for even ONE game....can't risk losing another "Bowl Championship"....must be another hidden 200K bonus for a win vs a loss that hasn't been publicized....therefore, he which I know still has to be involved in the game plan. Kinda like how Vandenberg gets all the punt catcher duty. Come on....don't you want CJ to be comfortable in the situation...and have the best opportunity to thrive???

Last 5 minutes against Ball State
1st Quarter of Indiana
Opening two series against Maryland
1st Half of Northwestern
1st series of Minnesota
2nd Half of Wisconsin

The rest....not so much
"The coach who cried 'wolf!' too many times.

I will believe when I see it -- not when I hear it.
I say RIDICULOUS if true....STILL unwilling to turn over the keys to CJ for even ONE game....can't risk losing another "Bowl Championship"....must be another hidden 200K bonus for a win vs a loss that hasn't been publicized....therefore, he which I know still has to be involved in the game plan. Kinda like how Vandenberg gets all the punt catcher duty. Come on....don't you want CJ to be comfortable in the situation...and have the best opportunity to thrive???

I gotta say we think too much alike. When you couple the proverbial "bowl championship" then sprinkle in a "January bowl game'' one would think we are playing in Pasadena, not Jacksonville!! I also read Marc's final tweet which is below:
marcmorehouse ‏@marcmorehouse 18m18 minutes ago
Greg Davis didn't name a starter. Left that for Ferentz tomorrow morning. Said both QBs knew and knew how rotation will work in the game.

And all I can think about is Kirk saying both qb's know how it will work but neither of them ever knew all season how it would work. I don't have the exact quotes but Kirk said the same thing before and didn't follow through with it one of the games (CJ got no snaps). I think it's just more smoke and mirrors from Kirk and the second that Jake completes two straight balls over the middle will be the last we see of CJ. He will give JR every chance to succeed and have the short hook for CJ so unless CJ comes out ready to ball and the receivers decide they are gonna catch his seeds we won't see much of him. Come on CJ, lets do this!
I tell you what would not surprise me for one minute, is to see thin skinned Kirk plot revenge by giving CJ the idea that things are open for competition by actually splitting time in the "Bowl Championship".....and then reverting right back to same old same old next year where CJ gets the shaft.....thus setting him back another year career wise. That's why you will never see me refer to Ferentz as "Captain" Kirk....that moniker is waaaaay too enduring for my liking given his arrogant actions. Sorry, but you can donate tons of money to a University hospital, but still be a condescending jerk behind the scenes.
"The coach who cried 'wolf!' too many times.

I will believe when I see it -- not when I hear it.

Nailed it. It was made clear a long time ago that anything said publicly by a member of the Iowa coaching staff needs to be taken with a grain of salt. Also, GD has about as much say on which QB plays and how much as I do. The last staff member anyone should listen to is him.
I tell you what would not surprise me for one minute, is to see thin skinned Kirk plot revenge by giving CJ the idea that things are open for competition by actually splitting time in the "Bowl Championship".....and then reverting right back to same old same old next year where CJ gets the shaft.....thus setting him back another year career wise. That's why you will never see me refer to Ferentz as "Captain" Kirk....that moniker is waaaaay too enduring for my liking given his arrogant actions. Sorry, but you can donate tons of money to a University hospital, but still be a condescending jerk behind the scenes.

I wouldn't call it "revenge" but I could certainly see KF going this route in order to keep CJ around for next year. JR didn't play any better or worse in the Nebraska game, than he did in the rest of the games this season. I'm not buying that excuse. The Nebby AD firing Pelini and disparaging Iowa football is the only thing I can think of.
"Splitting time," long after the regular season ended is as transparent of an attempt to give CJ a carrot to stick around next year and play backup (because we have no other backups) as I have ever seen from Kirk. What possible reason is there to keep Jake in there to split snaps? We know exactly what Jake can do. We have seen him do it for 2 years and it's not working. By splitting the baby, Ferentz wins with no one. What if CJ plays one bad possession and goes 3 and out due to a drop and a short run, and Jake gets lucky on a 3 yard out where the WR gets 80 yrds after catch? Game set match, Jake is the QB for a 3rd season?
"Splitting time," long after the regular season ended is as transparent of an attempt to give CJ a carrot to stick around next year and play backup (because we have no other backups) as I have ever seen from Kirk. What possible reason is there to keep Jake in there to split snaps?
That's exactly whst it is. A play to keep both players for 2015. JR isn't transferring; CJ can. KF can't bench his 2-yr starter in his home state - a state Iowa desperately wants to recruit. KF is walking a tightrope over a Gator pit.
Too bad this wasn't done throughout the freaking season! Hope CJ tears it up!

Let's just hope it's a real chance and not some weird plays with option crap like they ran when they put him in against Indiana. Let him drop back to throw and run the offense, he's proven he can do it. If he couldn't Iowa wouldn't have a win against Pitt.
"The coach who cried 'wolf!' too many times.

I will believe when I see it -- not when I hear it.

Not to mention the absurdity of waiting until a bowl game to do this. Should have happened in the second/third week of the season.

This has "manipulate CJ into staying" written all over it.
I say RIDICULOUS if true....STILL unwilling to turn over the keys to CJ for even ONE game....can't risk losing another "Bowl Championship"....must be another hidden 200K bonus for a win vs a loss that hasn't been publicized....therefore, he which I know still has to be involved in the game plan. Kinda like how Vandenberg gets all the punt catcher duty. Come on....don't you want CJ to be comfortable in the situation...and have the best opportunity to thrive???
This^. Why in the hell is Rudock even getting minutes? What more do we need to see from him? We've seen for 2 years what he can do, there's nothing left to see. Beathard should be starter and get the whole game.

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