More Trouble Brewing at Ohio State?

The investigation was initiated after The Dispatch found in public records that at least eight Ohio State athletes and 11 athletes' relatives bought used cars from Jack Maxton "Chevrolet or Auto Direct during the past five years. The investigation will involve outside experts and examine at least 50 sales, focusing on whether the athletes received improper benefits.

The common thread in those two dozen transactions was the salesman: Aaron Kniffin, who has worked at both dealerships."


Good news rarely comes from things like this. If they find that the cars were sold at a profit margin that is significantly lower than the average profit margin of other used cars sold during the same period to average people, they will have some splanin' to do...or perhaps nothing was amiss at all.

Set the sale of cars to the players aside for an instant...not that that is a red flag considering all that has gone on there...but the sale of the cars to family members...that jumps out to me.

'Hey ma, I got this guy that hooked me up on a car. He said he'd do the same for you to.' sort of thing.

Or, this could be nothing at all
If I were a player I don't think the first person I would think to give my BCS bowl tickets to would be the guy who sold me my car. . .
I would bet by now Coach Sweatervest wishes he would have just reported the original infractions and lived with a minor suspension for those players. This situation just keeps mushrooming.
The NCAA should just open up a branch in Columbus. They would save a fortune on travel expenses if they were already there.
The NCAA should just open up a branch in Columbus. They would save a fortune on travel expenses if they were already there.

Good point. The NCAA employee could then get sweet deals through this used car dealership, too!
I have diehard OSU fan at work that is somewhat in the know on the OSU recruiting "perks" and he had mentioned at the beginning of "Tatoo gate" that the car thing was pretty widespread.
The car thing, and especially the "loaners" that have been given out for years has been ranted over on message boards as long as I can remember. It's about time they investigate, since I don't think too many OSU freshman get $60,000 vehicles to "test drive" for weeks at a time.
Illinois got nailed back in the Deon Thomas scandal for having a booster/local car dealer sell cars to athletes without the typical credit checks,and with payment plans that did not require actual payment til after they were out of the pros.

This sounds like it could be deep is the rabbit hole?

And...any bb players driving sweet rides?
Don't be surprised when it's revealed that there are O$U basketball players involved in this mess as well. Isn't it required that compliance departments have to approve auto purchases with their players? The NCAA may have rushed things(as usual) when they didn't apply that LOIC tag.
Minor infractions really. The only thing that would concern me is the ticket thing. The dealership can sell a car for whatever price they feel like to whoever they feel like. Recieving tickets for giving said good deals however, that is a problem.
Minor infractions really. The only thing that would concern me is the ticket thing. The dealership can sell a car for whatever price they feel like to whoever they feel like. Recieving tickets for giving said good deals however, that is a problem.

That's not true. NCAA regs say that student aths can't receive any goods or services at a discount that any other student received. It's very clear, and a violation will result in a suspension and/or sanctions.

Can you imagine what a disaster it would be for college sports if a business could really sell stuff to athletes for "whatever price they feel like"? Good grief...
Minor infractions really. The only thing that would concern me is the ticket thing. The dealership can sell a car for whatever price they feel like to whoever they feel like. Recieving tickets for giving said good deals however, that is a problem.

Not really. I mean it's not about the dealership as much as it's about the players. A player isn't allowed to receive a product at a discount from what the product is offered to other students. I guess if they can show the same discount was given to Average Joe Citizen(that $0 total on the title could be hard to find a precedence for), then there wouldn't be a problem. At least that's my understanding.

I'm sure this happens everywhere to a degree. But it's pretty bad timing for O$U right now.
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Don't be surprised when it's revealed that there are O$U basketball players involved in this mess as well. Isn't it required that compliance departments have to approve auto purchases with their players? The NCAA may have rushed things(as usual) when they didn't apply that LOIC tag.

You would think that LOIC tag must be coming soon. I guess we will see.
If the cars sold were sold at a profit margin well beneath the dealer's average or blue book value there will be trouble. The fact they r used cars helps hide favoritism to some degree as those books can be cooked.
Maybe it's time to take the "t" off the OSU. Maybe replace it with an "f" for free. or I guess it could mean F%*$ OSU.

I'm seeing smoke everywhere in Columbus. Has to be fire. Wow, if this goes down the way it looks, OSU may get absolutely hammered...loss of major schollies, and no bowls for a few years.
Not good and if there is any chance sweatervest was even close to "should have known" status on this one......he is done.

Not good for OSU

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