More than 4,000 people on UKs site...


Well-Known Member
on this bright Sunday morning. Nice to see another number 1 seed go down. Four thousand fans on, I think the most Iowa's rivals site has had is about 2,500.

The site isn't too bad actually. Some are complaining about the terrible seedings in the brackets this year. They got a number 1 seed and are complaining that they had to play WV who was a number 2 seed (they think WV should have been a 1 seed). That way UK could have played Syracuse or Villanova. Kentucky had the most talented team in the tournament IMO and they complain about seedings...interesting.

Except for a few of the seeds I would say the seedings were pretty good. Duke, being Duke, is always going to get a number 1 seed whenever possible.

One way to improve seedings perhaps (I heard this Mike and Mike) is to put more knowledgeable bb people on the selection committee. People who really know bb, like John Thompson and Bobby Knight.

Now if only Duke can go down today, that would make a great final four. KU fans seem to think that no one will watch the final four games because the number 1 seeds aren't in. I think it will be just the opposite. I think people will love the fact that NEW teams are in the final four...teams not associated with the name UK, Kansas, and so on.

If Tennessee wins today...just think how UK fans will feel then.
on this bright Sunday morning. Nice to see another number 1 seed go down. Four thousand fans on, I think the most Iowa's rivals site has had is about 2,500.

The site isn't too bad actually. Some are complaining about the terrible seedings in the brackets this year. They got a number 1 seed and are complaining that they had to play WV who was a number 2 seed (they think WV should have been a 1 seed). That way UK could have played Syracuse or Villanova. Kentucky had the most talented team in the tournament IMO and they complain about seedings...interesting.

Except for a few of the seeds I would say the seedings were pretty good. Duke, being Duke, is always going to get a number 1 seed whenever possible.

One way to improve seedings perhaps (I heard this Mike and Mike) is to put more knowledgeable bb people on the selection committee. People who really know bb, like John Thompson and Bobby Knight.

Now if only Duke can go down today, that would make a great final four. KU fans seem to think that no one will watch the final four games because the number 1 seeds aren't in. I think it will be just the opposite. I think people will love the fact that NEW teams are in the final four...teams not associated with the name UK, Kansas, and so on.

If Tennessee wins today...just think how UK fans will feel then.

Even if Duke wins, it'll be at least two relative newcomers, and that should be enough to get people interested.
Ghost some of us have the ability to remember the names of players of more than two or three teams. That may be a daunting task for someone who is more concerned with coming up with witty message board banter but I like to see good basketball no matter the name of the school.

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