Montell Marion srtikes again!

Not really that big of a deal.
Maybe not for a kid who hasnt gotten in trouble before but this cat has pretty much used up his 9 lives. How many second chances is he gonna get? Im not saying throw him off the team but I bet someone in the university may make that call. This hurts the team big time! what a dip$#!+
If the university is not concerned enough to suspend him then who cares. I'm tired of the dump on athletes to assuage the burn the witches crowd. I would only suspend athletes who through their behavior meet suspension criteria for other non-athlete scholarship recipients. We seem to love eating our own, let it be.
If the university is not concerned enough to suspend him then who cares. I'm tired of the dump on athletes to assuage the burn the witches crowd. I would only suspend athletes who through their behavior meet suspension criteria for other non-athlete scholarship recipients. We seem to love eating our own, let it be.

In most cases, I'd agree with you. But this is a little different.
its pretty cold outside.... that being said i and most others who need to get where they have to go would have probably done the same thing. I am not surprised or thrilled MM is a razor in our arsenal and a team leader. Life isnt Jenga but sure seems like it sometimes. I have been driving since i was 8 or 9 a lot of us farm kids have to do it. Get a life leave the kid alone.

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