Montee Ball jumped by 5 guys

"My concern right now is for Montee's health and well-being," Wisconsin coach Bret Bielema said in a prepared statement. "Montee has been released from the hospital and is under the care and supervision of our sports medicine staff. We will continue to evaluate him as we approach the start of fall camp this weekend. I do expect full Montee."

Fixed it for you.
Well ESPN is reporting that the police have said it was apparently an unprovoked attack. However, the attackers ran so clearly they only received one side of the story....

I apologize for my previous comments if this was unprovoked. Just find it hard to believe people would do such a thing, especially at 2:15 in the morning. It's easier to believe he popped off at the mouth to the wrong group of drunken buddies. Either way, I jumped to conclusions and that wasn't fair. Glad it sounds like he is okay. I'd rather see Wisconsin play with their best back on the field.
Well yes this is only Montays side. On the other hand he was arrested and given a ticket when he would not leave a party. So he does have the "I can do what I want attitude".
Montee "my coach pads my stats for me" Ball, popped off to the wrong group of hombres and got smacked around. The "unprovoked" part of the article makes me laugh.

This type of thing happens on the regular in college towns, only reason why it's news is because Ball plays ball.

Maybe BB should give MB a curfew since it sounds like he is hitting the sauce and the late night scene pretty hard his senior year.

Hopefully, this is a sign that the curse on Iowa RBs is moving north.
Concussed? Conceivably he should remain still for at least a week, and not have physical contact for several weeks if not longer. There is no way of speeding the healing from a concussion, none, beyond rest and avoidance of contact. Betting, though, the Wisky staff gets him ready to play in the opener.

Per ESPN and the BIG Ten Network a photo of Montee's attackers has been produced. If anyone has information regarding these individuals please contact the Wisconsin Police Department.
Whenever the odds are 5 on 1 someone is going to say they were "jumped". Of course he probably initiated it. He's the same guy who pompously demanded he be allowed to party on some strangers front porch. I don't think anyone is naive enough to believe Montee Ball, of all people, was randomly jumped in downtown Madison (where his face is extremely recognizable). What kind of guys are gonna jump the star football player on campus if he did nothing to initiate it?

Either way, the football season can't get here soon enough. This time of year is when stupid crap like this happens because players have way too much time on their hands.

What a joke. "Pompously demanded"? Yeah right, Montee was cited along with hundreds of other Mifflin Street party goers. So of the hundreds of citations that day it was hundreds of people pompously demanding to be removed from a party? Hardly.

Kid was out with friends and he wasn't intoxicated. Witnesses say he was attacked. Most likely from Iowa fans who are jealous of Wisconsin football and how cool of a town Madison is.
Well ESPN is reporting that the police have said it was apparently an unprovoked attack. However, the attackers ran so clearly they only received one side of the story....

I apologize for my previous comments if this was unprovoked. Just find it hard to believe people would do such a thing, especially at 2:15 in the morning. It's easier to believe he popped off at the mouth to the wrong group of drunken buddies. Either way, I jumped to conclusions and that wasn't fair. Glad it sounds like he is okay. I'd rather see Wisconsin play with their best back on the field.

Or it's easier to believe that you want to portray a narrative that simply isn't true because Wisconsin has been to the last two Rose Bowls. Despite all evidence to the contrary your narrative is "he popped off at the mouth." No evidence to support that at all, in fact the opposite is true.

I'm sorry you guys got fooled on the fake punt but let it go man.
YES for all five, even though the pale chica second from left doesn't light me up.
Or it's easier to believe that you want to portray a narrative that simply isn't true because Wisconsin has been to the last two Rose Bowls. Despite all evidence to the contrary your narrative is "he popped off at the mouth." No evidence to support that at all, in fact the opposite is true.

I'm sorry you guys got fooled on the fake punt but let it go man.

gtfo becky
go lick Bielema's Hawkeye tattoo
Or it's easier to believe that you want to portray a narrative that simply isn't true because Wisconsin has been to the last two Rose Bowls. Despite all evidence to the contrary your narrative is "he popped off at the mouth." No evidence to support that at all, in fact the opposite is true.

I'm sorry you guys got fooled on the fake punt but let it go man.

Where they have become a source of yearly embarrassment for the B10.
What a joke. "Pompously demanded"? Yeah right, Montee was cited along with hundreds of other Mifflin Street party goers. So of the hundreds of citations that day it was hundreds of people pompously demanding to be removed from a party? Hardly.

Kid was out with friends and he wasn't intoxicated. Witnesses say he was attacked. Most likely from Iowa fans who are jealous of Wisconsin football and how cool of a town Madison is.

Activebadger - Say you are right. Monte Ball was walking down the street with some "witnesses," sober, and was confronted by angry hawkeye fans that were jealous of your beautiful city. did he back down then? or did they drop out of the trees like ninjas and bruce lee him to the ground before fleeing the scene? Monte is obviously smart enough to get into college. smart enough to learn a complex playbook. so why would he be walking around at 2:15 am? alone? he was drunk, lost, stoned, or drunk/lost/stoned. his past has shown that he is hard-headed and he likes grandpas old cough medicine. i highly doubt he backs down from fights, hes a well tuned athlete with testosterone oozing out of his pores. Not saying he deserved it. if those five cowards ever get caught i say their punishment should be a court ordered attendance of every wisky football game in the front row right behind the wisonsin bench. but first of all you are biased, no shame in that, and just like you these "witnesses" dont want your best player to look like an a****** because he is the face and testicle of your offense. second of all everyone thinks their home town is cool. i prefer to live in the country where my only threat is unplowed roads, hitting deer, and losing sleep because of the coyote orgy that seems to happen NIGHTLY. and last but not least, i respect montes abilities on the field. HS kids come to the big ten to play against the biggest baddest mofo's in college football (kids go to the SEC to play against the fastest and highest paid college football players) . if it werent for opponents like Wisconsin, we wouldnt be battle tested enough to win our bowl games. but at least we can admit when our players are dumba****. See: Disorderly Johnson
Activebadger - Say you are right. Monte Ball was walking down the street with some "witnesses," sober, and was confronted by angry hawkeye fans that were jealous of your beautiful city. did he back down then? or did they drop out of the trees like ninjas and bruce lee him to the ground before fleeing the scene? Monte is obviously smart enough to get into college. smart enough to learn a complex playbook. so why would he be walking around at 2:15 am? alone? he was drunk, lost, stoned, or drunk/lost/stoned. his past has shown that he is hard-headed and he likes grandpas old cough medicine. i highly doubt he backs down from fights, hes a well tuned athlete with testosterone oozing out of his pores. Not saying he deserved it. if those five cowards ever get caught i say their punishment should be a court ordered attendance of every wisky football game in the front row right behind the wisonsin bench. but first of all you are biased, no shame in that, and just like you these "witnesses" dont want your best player to look like an a****** because he is the face and testicle of your offense. second of all everyone thinks their home town is cool. i prefer to live in the country where my only threat is unplowed roads, hitting deer, and losing sleep because of the coyote orgy that seems to happen NIGHTLY. and last but not least, i respect montes abilities on the field. HS kids come to the big ten to play against the biggest baddest mofo's in college football (kids go to the SEC to play against the fastest and highest paid college football players) . if it werent for opponents like Wisconsin, we wouldnt be battle tested enough to win our bowl games. but at least we can admit when our players are dumba****. See: Disorderly Johnson


Activebadger - Say you are right. Monte Ball was walking down the street with some "witnesses," sober, and was confronted by angry hawkeye fans that were jealous of your beautiful city. did he back down then? or did they drop out of the trees like ninjas and bruce lee him to the ground before fleeing the scene? Monte is obviously smart enough to get into college. smart enough to learn a complex playbook. so why would he be walking around at 2:15 am? alone? he was drunk, lost, stoned, or drunk/lost/stoned. his past has shown that he is hard-headed and he likes grandpas old cough medicine. i highly doubt he backs down from fights, hes a well tuned athlete with testosterone oozing out of his pores. Not saying he deserved it. if those five cowards ever get caught i say their punishment should be a court ordered attendance of every wisky football game in the front row right behind the wisonsin bench. but first of all you are biased, no shame in that, and just like you these "witnesses" dont want your best player to look like an a****** because he is the face and testicle of your offense. second of all everyone thinks their home town is cool. i prefer to live in the country where my only threat is unplowed roads, hitting deer, and losing sleep because of the coyote orgy that seems to happen NIGHTLY. and last but not least, i respect montes abilities on the field. HS kids come to the big ten to play against the biggest baddest mofo's in college football (kids go to the SEC to play against the fastest and highest paid college football players) . if it werent for opponents like Wisconsin, we wouldnt be battle tested enough to win our bowl games. but at least we can admit when our players are dumba****. See: Disorderly Johnson

Welcome....good sir....well played.
Or it's easier to believe that you want to portray a narrative that simply isn't true because Wisconsin has been to the last two Rose Bowls. Despite all evidence to the contrary your narrative is "he popped off at the mouth." No evidence to support that at all, in fact the opposite is true.

I'm sorry you guys got fooled on the fake punt but let it go man.

Enjoy the Big Ten Championship, you have to run through the powerhouses of Illinois, Purdue, Indiana - wow. Try to WIN the Rose Bowl this year please....

oh wait, you have to win the BIG first....nevermind.

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