Missouri to SEC? (yes, again)

I think this was pretty much a given when A&M was finally announced and the SEC formally told West Virginia no thanks. The SEC was going to add one more to get back to an even amount of teams, and Mizzou makes perfect sense. Mizzou has just been biding their time until they get the official invite. As long as they don't sign that 6 year agreement with the reorganized Big 12 they are fine to leave. Expect this to get done soon though.
Huh? What?

I think he is trying to say the Big 12 knows it is a matter of time before Missouri bolts for the SEC so they don't want them on TV making money. You know how the Big 12 basically told the Insight Bowl to take Missouri over Nebraska last year.
What happens if a team wants to stay in the Big12, but doesn't want to sign the long-term agreement? Are they kicked out? Or do the other members just complain about it?

Kind of like Dazed and Confused (the movie, not the song) where Randall Pink won't sign his "commitment to his team."
The Big 12 is a mess. There have been all kinds of "expansion" talk. Unless you are a non-BCS school, why would you want any part of this catastrophic drama? Their idea of stability is a 6 year deal. One day the conference will probably blow up
At this point this is all I have to say to those mouth breathing inbreds.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sGz3uyCNZCM]Ari - Get The F Out - YouTube[/ame]
Not that it matters in the scheme of all things, but should Missouri exit the state of Iowa would no longer be contiguous to any member state of the Big 12. Kansas would be the closest state. The conference would be down to just three AAU members; Texas, Kansas, and ISU and there are no candidates in the mix that are AAU members.

The conference will probably hang together, but ISU is increasingly is in an awkward position. Academically it has to compete with members that are not tier 1 institutions and geographically it really has no conference rival. If the conference looks east for members none would be from states contiguous and if they look west it is the same story.

Iowa State wrestling would be down to competing with just two other schools, the Oklahomas. Lots of repercussions from events like this that get overlooked.

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