Minny turning into ISU

The problem was that they didn't call the exact same hold early in the game.

I am sick and tired of all things Minney at this point.
we kicked their D's a$$ all over the field all night.
Attention MN fans: we are over you we are on to Purdue you are just another team we beat this season.
That goof reporter should be careful when selectively complaining about bad or missed calls by the refs. I saw two pass interference no-calls against them in the first half.
Lol they are a carbon copy of the clowns. Complaining about the officiating is what losers do. Keep trying goofers. By the way goofs Floyd is having a blast in his new big fabulous home!
Lol they are a carbon copy of the clowns. Complaining about the officiating is what losers do. Keep trying goofers. By the way goofs Floyd is having a blast in his new big fabulous home!

im sure you'll have plenty of corn for him. And I guess he can hangout by the wind turbines.

That's really horrible. My recollection is hazy about the sports writing in the DI back in the day. I'm hoping it wasn't (and isn't) this bad. My clearest recollection of sports in the DI was a headline that read "Purdoomed"....leading up to a boilermakers game. Hope that carries forward.

I suppose I shouldn't be too critical of the guy. You see a lot of writers or talking heads say things like "Minnesota probably wins this game if they can tackle like they usually do."

Well, yeah, 9 other teams (or near enough) could say the same thing. "If we could have just tackled _______ (insert runningback name here), we could have won that game." But, then again, they'd fail to realize that the 3 yards it took to bring him down is pretty pointless when they didn't lay a hand on him until he's 6 yards past the line.

On the other hand, the Hawks could say "If we covered their receivers like we normally do, it would have been a blowout."
Which, may or my not be true. My guess is, that the Gopher's offensive line scheme, and play calling was well designed...and with a hot hand at QB... they beat us in that respect.

Upon further review...the ruling on the field stands. The officiating was bad. I don't know if it's just because it was a tight game. But as someone pointed out, the calls were inconsistent. Pass interference and holding. I thought both got called when they shouldn't have and not called when they did...often. I'm pretty sure, I'd be bitchin' about it if we lost. The field goal was perplexing. I don't mind that it was called no-good. But, it did have a feel of one ref with the best view "thinking....oh crud....what do I call...I dunno....does not compute does not compute.....what do I do? look at the other guy and just do what he does." Would've liked to see him take a moment and not freak out....think about it....and then make the call. Again, if we lost by two, I would mind that they called it no good.
Watch the video of the Iowa FB's block and tell me it was a hold. Nice try by minny using a still image for a football game. Also if they want to talk about refs actually affecting the game, let's talk about the koehn field goal that was GOOD that the refs called no good
Trying to decide if you are an everyday run of the mill Goofer Troll.....or if you are the one of the dirty 30 getting your troll on.

The fact that he knows drummer lives in Minneapolis should answer that question.