********Minnesota vs Iowa. Official Game Thread*******


atta boy big fella

left side, strong side, left side, strong side, left side, strong side, left side, strong side, left side, strong side, left side, strong side, left side, strong side, left side, strong side, left side, strong side, left side, strong side, left side, strong side, left side, strong side, left side, strong side, left side, strong side, left side, strong side, left side, strong side, left side, strong side, left side, strong side, left side, strong side, left side, strong side, left side, strong side, left side, strong side, left side, strong side, left side, strong side,
We are going to be the first school in history with a 300 yard rusher with 4 yds in a single game and still lose

New plan.

To limit our liabilities and enhance our chances, Weisman should run the ball twice, come out for a break, Garmon runs it. Repeat pattern until final second melts away.
There is no reason to pass the ball. They only reason JVB should be in Shotgun is to run the Draw Play. Why play to your weakness.
Didn't Jon say on Soundoff last week or somewhere that Weisman was quick to the point of attack? This kid makes up his mind, hits the hole and doesn't screw around dancing.
I believe the ESPN announcer is racist. Apparently because Weisman is white he can't be a good running back.


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