Minnesota struggling with South Dakota

Yeah, he's a lot of fun to watch, he's doing whatever what he want's to on minnys d.

USD 41-31 7 mins and change to go.
I really appreciate Parker's conservative approach while I watch this game. Minny regularly selling out and opening up huge pass plays or the fake dive, bootleg by the QB (the best play ever in pee-wee football).

A more conservative approach and I think Minny comes out on top.
I really dont think so. They seem to only stuff the run by run blitzing, their front 4 cant do it by themselves so they are constantly bringing 5+ guys. They guess right they stuff it, they guess wrong they give up a big play. Not a good team.
Adam Weber was good what 3 years ago? I remember watching him thinking he would give us fits. He is ABSOLUTELY horrible. Talk about regressing.
I recall when Brewster was hired everyone was wondering what they were doing but for some reason that went away a few years ago. Hes not a very good coach it seems.
I love it! My wife went to med school at USD, and we got married there in Vermillion. So seeing them beat the rodents was quite sweet :)

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