Minnesota, Michigan, Wisconsin & Indiana Bowl Games

Do you guys want B1G teams to win? I’m usually torn.

I have to add that psu with their travesty of institutional lack of control over sandusky and osu with their problems under tressel and urban and the wife beater are two of my least favorite teams.

Mich as a top team has always seemed to do it right and I think Lloyd Carr was one of the really good people as a coach. Carr and Fry were top notch going against each other.

Nebby is just to new to the league and Iowa has owned them. Although a lot of Nebby players are whining guys who should be called for a lot of intimidation type unsportsmanlike calls because they are always pushing and stomping and getting in the facemask of other players. They tried to intimidate a lot of hawks that last game and the refs just looked the other way.
Heck of a catch, TD or not.

One of the announcers really didn't want that to be a td. The bias in these bowl games is really apparent this year. Maybe its always been this way but it seems pretty stark this year.

I really dont like PJ but I kinda want to see mn win. Same goes for Harbaugh and mich.

Kind of torn but I guess I like the B1G showing well.

Maybe I just like eSECpn choking on it. That said, I dont see LSU losing so they'll still have their champion. Ugh...narrative will continue.


Holds water today like always....no?;)
Secpn has preached and harped for years and years. Over and over how slow and and all that crap! After awhile they have everybody actually believing it. Even B1G fans bought into it. The B1G are opening a lot of eyes this year and just maybe the bias that has been taking place will slow down. They tried like hell to help USC but the Hawks still prevailed! The second halves of these games today will be interesting just how much BS gets pulled.