Why does Brommer play? Give me a break. His defense is terrible. He's out of position every time. Instead of helping on the dribble drive he was guarding number 50, 25 feet from the basket.
JD - I'm guessing Josh was out of the game late because Fran was upset with him at some of his shot selections in the second half. He took a few quick hitters that obviously didn't help momentum at times.
i've thought bill jones too - but only because bill was a 6'6" point gaurd. not sure if the comparisons go beyond that. i remember bill jones being great for steals - because of his length at his position, but don't remember him being a great scorer. one thing is for sure - jones had 10X more talent around him than does Marble.
JD - Jep and Lo became pretty dominant players on their teams - which were full of talent. Not sure why you say Jep was on a bad team? his recruiting class was probably the best in iowa history. I remember watching these guys as Freshman/Sophomores - they were terrible! gangly, awkward, etc. for them to go from where they started to late 1st/early 2nd round draftees was truly amazing.
Bill Jones-ish
Could not agree more on how they ignore Basabe in the post, its ridiculous.
I would chew some major *** if I was Fran. Gatens and May seem to be incapable of feeding the post and Marble is not much better.
Josh Ogelsby and White seem to be the only ones who understand how to make a simple post feed.
I really like Josh's passing and ball handling. I even liked that behind-the-back pass, a few games ago, that bounced off McCabe's hands under the basket, just before he had to sit on the bench. This team certainly could use all the creativity available. Love it when Josh and Aaron are both in the game. They seem to play off each other well.Oglesby and White seem to get benched when they make a bad pass. It is kind of odd since those two seem to see the court pretty well.
I don't have any issues with how Marble plays, he is the one truly aggresive player that Iowa has. He takes some bad shots and forces a couple every now and then, but I will take his overall game right now because he is going to get nothing but better.
I really like Josh's passing and ball handling. I even liked that behind-the-back pass, a few games ago, that bounced off McCabe's hands under the basket, just before he had to sit on the bench. This team certainly could use all the creativity available. Love it when Josh and Aaron are both in the game. They seem to play off each other well.
I wonder if floor spacing would help open the middle for Basabe. I believe that Woodbury will help significantly, drawing pressure away from Melsohn next season.....