Miller: Do You Play McCall Again in 2011?

If he is cleared,and is practicing well, then you play him. Clearly,KF planned on a two prong rushing attack coming into game 1,and that got blown up.
Now,if we can go back to the original plan of a backfield of Vandy,Rogers,Coker and McCall,hopefully by Michigan or MSU,that gives the Hawkeyes a chance to finish strong. Those last 6 games vs Michigan,MSU,PU,Neb,Wis,and probably Stanford will require all hands on deck,and is certainly a significant enough of a season to warrant using everyone available.
Ask this question in 11 days. Too many unknowns currently. IF we are 6-2, IF he is 90%+ and ready to go, IF the staff thinks he's our 2nd best option, and IF you are still going to let the younger guys get a few touches......... then YES, you PLAY him to give you your best chance to win against a decent 4 game opponent stretch.....
I'd be leery about playing him for a few reasons:
1) Is he 100% ready?
2) Does he bring something to the table Johnson, Bullock, Canzeri, or even Rogers or White doesn't? If McCall doesn't, let him take as long as necessary to get to 100%.
3) Has he changed his running style w/ less "knees" and more running behind his pads? If he hasn't, more leg injuries may be on the way.
4) Is the medical RS possibility gone? At one time (b/c of Moeaki) I thought it was something re playing less than 1/3 or 1/4 of the season, but I don't recall specifics. I am almost certain that it wouldn't be an issue until his eligibility is finished, which then he would apply for a "medical hardship waiver," a.k.a. "medical RS." If he can't get a medical RS for this season, I think you almost have to play him, assuming he's ready.
If the following 2 criteria are satisfied ...

1. Can he still play with confidence
2. Can he make hard cuts with the ankle

... then let him play. If not ... then he's still not physically ready to play his position. Regardless of what other say ... if his ankle cannot handle the responsibilities that a RB must fulfill ... then the NCAA will give him the medical hardship waiver ... no questions asked. It would be an absolute lay-up because he's not asking for a 6th year.
Are you kidding me? Hell yes we play him if he is 100%, and only if he is 100%. Brad Rodgers made one heck of a difference in the run game last weekend and having him blocking for Coker, Canzeri, and McCall would help our offense go.
Ask this question in 11 days. Too many unknowns currently. IF we are 6-2, IF he is 90%+ and ready to go, IF the staff thinks he's our 2nd best option, and IF you are still going to let the younger guys get a few touches......... then YES, you PLAY him to give you your best chance to win against a decent 4 game opponent stretch.....

IF we are not 6-2, we should disband the football program and field a varsity water polo team instead. We are playing two of the 10 worst teams in FBS.... and they would be mediocre in FCS.
We have to play him. He will have plenty of bench time when the AIRBHG gets wind of it. So just get him on the field as soon as possible.

He is a difference maker. And we need something different.
I say don't play him and don't clear him to play so he can get a medical redshirt, just let Derby go both ways at RB and LB.
You play to win the game...

Play him if he's ready, I think we'll need him the last third of the season. Obviously only if he's able, can't push it.
If they clear him to play, will he actually play? I'd like to see our other backs play outside of garbage time, but that never seems to happen. They played McCall without thinking twice, I don't know that his injury would affect that. He didn't sprain his ankle, tear an ACL, or bust his Achilles so it's not something that will be re-aggravated (a la Jewel Hampton). I'd be bummed if he got hurt again, but I wouldn't expect it.
If he is 100 percent then yes. If not, give him the redshirt. If he is 100 percent we can definitely use him as there is a lot of football left to play. But if he is only at 80 percent or show I say it is not worth the risk ...
original intention was to play him this year. if he's cleared to play, play him. could give him some minimal duty in minn game to get his feet wet. med red shirt is not solid. if he gives us an added shot to win, you play him. play the others as well. we are not even half way into season.
It's a no-brainer - if McCall is ready now, you play him.

We have 6-8 games remaining in this season, and his talents are needed and could be used now.

Also, the medical hardship waiver isn't even relevant until after the end of the 2014 season (McCall's 4th year). If at that point he wants another season he'd petition for an extra year of eligibility.

Looking forward, too much can happen between now and then for you to consider holding him out in case he might want a 5th (or 6th) year way down the road.
Everyone is talking like he won't be ready to play. He is hungry and wants to go. You can bet he hasn't just been sitting around on his butt eating peanuts the past 7 weeks. I'm confident he has been working to stay in shape as best possible.

If there was not alot of ligiment damage the ankle will be stronger than before he broke it.

Let him play a little as soon as possible then have him ready for the string of tough games ahead of the Hawks. Coker can use some rest.
Everyone is talking like he won't be ready to play. He is hungry and wants to go. You can bet he hasn't just been sitting around on his butt eating peanuts the past 7 weeks. I'm confident he has been working to stay in shape as best possible.

If there was not alot of ligiment damage the ankle will be stronger than before he broke it.

Let him play a little as soon as possible then have him ready for the string of tough games ahead of the Hawks. Coker can use some rest.

Being in game day shape is different that just being in good shape. I don't think anyone assumes he has been sitting around but you can't tell me that a kid out of action for six/seven weeks is all of a sudden in game shape and ready to go!? He may be "hungry" but that does not mean he will be ready to go or be 100 percent for that matter.

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